Page 319 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 319


                                             OCEANS 11
                                             A compact, affordable pedal packed w/ advanced function-  OCEANS 12
        NEO MISTRESS                         ality and 11 reverb styles ranging from essential to exotic.   The Ocean’s 11 big brother with even more reverbs and
        True to the classic mistress, the neo’s design adjusts the   Features  powerful, yet intuitive  “hidden”  parameters  ac-  functionality. Features 2 simultaneous, independent, ste-
        harmonic sweep to present the varied tonal density that   cessible thru its Secondary Knob Mode that let the player   reo reverb engines, series & parallel controls for dual re-
        flanging brings to musical performance.  take greater controls of its effects.  verbs, 24 presets, advanced I/O, Tide Control and more
        EHNM   (Nano)  Flanger .................................... $119.60B  EHOC11R   Reverb ............................................$222.90B  EHOC12R      Dual Stereo Reverb .....................$341.70B

        OCTAVIX                              OD GLOVE                              OPERATION OVERLORD
        Classic 1960s octave up + fuzztone pedal. Volume knob   Advanced features like Tone Shift and selectable 9 or 18V   A  versatile,  multi-instrument  capable,  stereo  overdrive/
        regulates the output level, Boost controls the amount of   internal voltage for surgical sound sculpting. The new OD   distortion with a broad range of sound options and controls
        fuzztone & Octave adjusts the volume of the octave above.  Glove delivers overdrive and distortion with impact.  EHOL     Allied Overdrive ...................................$212.50B
        EHO   (Nano)  Octave Fuzz ...............................$149.40B  EHODG   MOSFET Overdrive/Distortion ............$103.50B  EHNOL  (Nano) Allied Overdrive ...........................128.50B

        OP-AMP BIG MUFF PI                   PITCH FORK
        The circuitry of the new Op-Amp Big Muff has been faith-  Polyphonic Pitch Shifter transposes an instrument’s pitch   PLATFORM
        fully recreated while several practical enhancements have   over a +/- three-octave range & features 3 modes which   A sophisticated,  professional  stereo  compressor  limiter
        been added including a compact, die-cast chassis and true   allow the pitch to be transposed up, down or both (dual).  that includes volume swell and tape reverse, plus over-
        bypass switching.                    EHPF ..................................................................$250.60B  drive. Powerful enough for the studio yet, compact for gigs
        EHOPAMPBM   Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer .........$121.80B  EHPF+   PITCH FORK + ......................................312.60B  EHP   Stereo Compressor/Limiter ......................$245.90B

                                             Q-TRON PLUS
        POG2                                 The Effects Loop gives the musician the ability to place an   RAM’S HEAD  BIG MUFF PI
        Thanks to an enhanced algorithm the POG 12 delivers a   additional effect, or chain of effects between the preamp   A faithful reproduction of the highly coveted 1973 Violet
        more focused & in-the-pocket harmonic performance and   and filter setion without changing the envelope drive. The   Ram’s Head Big Muff heard on countless classic record-
        unrivaled tonal variations - and now you can save your   FX Loop will fire up your creative juices to try all sorts of   ings. It delivers the unmistakable articulate string separa-
        favorite settings, and recall them with a click.   combinations in the effects loop..  tion  and exceptional sustain, plus true bypass switching..
        EHPOG2  Polyphonic Octave Generator ...........$506.10B  EHQTPLUS   Envelope Filter w/ Effects Loop .....243.70B  EHRHBM   Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer .................$144.80B

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