Page 317 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 317


        HOT TUBES                            HOT WAX                               HUM DEBUGGER
        The exact same design as our 1970s CMOS Hot Tubes,   Hot Wax fuses Hot Tubes & Crayon pedals into one pow-
        but miniaturized! Volume and Overdrive let you go from a   erful dual-overdrive. Use each individually or stack them   Absolutely eliminates hum from any audio source. Every
                                                                                   musician battles hum in their signal chain. Hum Debugger
        gentle rasp that caresses your notes to a full-blown gain   w/ the Crayon driving the Hot Tubes. Master EQ & Blend   turns it into dead silence, courtesy of a little EHX magic.
        monster with a powerhouse punch.     controls provide the tonal flexibility power players demand.  EHHD   Hum Eliminator ......................................$204.60B
        EHHT   (Nano) Overdrive ...................................$101.10B  EHHW   Dual Overdrive ......................................$160.70B

        KEY9  Electric Piano Machine         LESTER G                              LESTER K
        Completing the powerful trilogy forged by the B9 and C9   The ultimate rotary speaker emulator packed with good-  Stereo outputs provide a lush, realistic sound with either
        Organ  Machines,  the  KEY9  emulates  the  world’s  most   ies like a specially designed compression circuit to super-  stereo or mono inputs. Tube-style overdrive is variable and
        coveted electric pianos and more.    charge the rotating speaker effect on guitar.  the speaker balance can be fine-tuned.
        EHKEY9 .............................................................$328.60B  EHLG   Deluxe Rotary Speaker Emulator ..........$344.70B  EHLK   Stereo Rotary Speaker Emulator ...........$275.70B

        LITTLE BIG MUFF Pi                   LPB-1 Linear Power Booster            MAINFRAME
        Same silky smooth violin-like sustain and creamy tone that   An exact recreation of the original LBP-1 preamp circuit   Buzz, beep and bloop. We’re high on the lo-fi sounds of
        made the legendary 1970 Big Muff Pi famous. This little   that ushered in the age of overdrive in 1968. Put the LPB1   “old-school” games, toys & terminals & the Mainframe Bit
        brother displays its heritage proudly, w/ the same circuitry   in line with any effect to provide boost & definition. Improve   Crusher takes us back in time to when Pac Man & Donkey
        in a compact die-cast box.           the gain and saturation of your amp   Kong rules the arcades & Commodore 64 was high tech.
        EHLBM   Fuzz/Distortion/Sustainer ....................$105.70B  EHLPB1   (Nano) .................................................$58.70B  EHMF   Bit Crusher ............................................$257.40B

        Transform  your  axe  and  resurrect  the  sound  of  vintage   MEMORY BOY
        tape-based keyboards. Pays homage to 9 of the coolest   The Memory Boy carries the performance heritage for   MEMORY TOY
        Mellotron sounds: Orchestra, Cello, Strings, Flute, Clari-  warm analog delays and modulations that made its ances-  Presents  a  pure  analog  delay  for  musicians  who  covet
        net, Saxophone, Brass, Low Choir & High Choir.  tors the go-to legends that remain today.  thick sound from a thin wallet.
        EHMEL9   Tape Replay Machine .......................$328.60B  EHMB   Analog Delay w/ Chorus/Vibrato ...........$179.30B  EHMT   (Nano) Analog Delay w/ Modulation .....$135.70B

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