Page 321 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 321


        STEREO CLONE THEORY                  STEREO ELECTRIC MISTRESS              STEREO MEMORY MAN w/ Hazarai
        This  recreation  of  the  original  ‘70s  Clone  Theory  is  re-  Use Filter Matrix mode to manually flange your sound or   It’s a looper, it’s a multi-tap delay, it’s an echo w/ reverse...
        known  for  its  very  edgy  chorus.  Stereo  outputs  provide   select a flange point allowing musically frozen tonalities.   it’s got all the Hazarai. Ethereral tone-scapes to full musi-
        lush,  warm  and  defined  chorusing  and  vibrato  with  a   Lush Stereo Flange and Chorus work together seamlessly   cal performances are only limited by your imagination.
        sparkling wash and liquid elegance. Simple but definitive   for the ricjest modulations that undulate and flow over any   EHSMMWH   Delay & Looper ............................$319.50B
        performance controls.                stage or recording. Colorful and seductive in stereo.
        EHSCT   Analog Chorus/Vibrato ........................$160.70B  EHSEM   Flanger/Chorus ...................................$190.70B

                                                                                   STEREO TALKING MACHINE
                                                                                   Presents creative vowel shaping that is controlled by the
        STEREO POLYCHORUS                    STEREO PULSAR                         player’s dymanics. Voices can be shaped with individual
        Provides the lushest stereo chorus, rich chiming flange,   Generates vintage tremolo and panning that will fill any   Attack  and  Decay  controls  while  Sensitivity  adjusts  the
        and over-the-edge effects.           venue with rhythmic stereo energy.    envelope response.
        EHPC   Anlog Chorus/Flanger/Slapback Echo ....$320.50B  EHSP   Variable Shape Analog Tremolo.............$131.00B  EHSTM   Vocal Formant Filter ............................$319.50B

        SUPEREGO                             SUPER PULSAR
        The synth engine reinvents sample and hold, performs   A  truly  super  tremolo  with  powerful  controls  and  signal   SUPER SPACE DRUM
        fluid  glissandos  and  creates  oscillator  like,  synthesizer   routing. Sculpt the tremolo’s shape with adjustable sine,   Uses analog synthesis techniques to create mind-blowing
        effects.                             triangle  and  pulse  waveforms  while  tap  tempo  and  tap   sounds  ranging  from  deep  kicks  to  high  toms  to  sci-fi
        EHSE    Synth Engine ........................................$307.80B  tempo and tap divide ensure synchronicity.  drums.
        EHSE+  SUPEREGO+  Synth Engine/Multi-Effects .359.40B  EHSUP  Stereo Tap Tremolo ..............................$316.80B  EHSSD   Analog Drum Synthesizer ....................$172.40B

        SWITCHBLADE +                        SWITCHBLADE PRO
        Offers a convenient solution to a player’s switching needs.   Deluxe switching box featuring true mechanical bypass,   SYNTH9 Synthesizer Machine
        Route your signal to either output A or B, or send it to both   soft  switching,  high  quality  &  low  noise  buffers,  volume   Emulates classic  electronic  synthesizers,  from searing
        at once. with a fully passive audio path and active LED   controls for all input signals, high headroom & a multitude   lead synths to spacey synth pads and deep, funky synth
        indication, the Switchblade + is your utilitarian sidekick.  of possible configutaions for all your signal routing needs.  bass grooves
        EHSPLUS   Channel Selector ..............................$71.30B  EHSWPRO   Deluxe Switcher ............................$181.50B  EHS9   Synthesizer Machine ..............................$328.60B

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