Page 349 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 349


        MINI KINTA  IRC                      KINTA FX                              KINTA HP

        Compact LED effect light  projects  countless  beams  of   Combines an LED derby effect, laser, and SMD strobe in   Features  an  innovative  grouping  of  2  quad-color  LEDs
        multicolor light. Simple wireless, non-DMX control from an   one compact fixture. Derby effect projects countless razor-  (RGBW & CMYO) to produce unique color combinations
        optional IRC-6 remote. Projects bright, colorful beams us-  sharp multicolor beams in a wide pattern. Red/green laser   and continuous motor rotation produces dynamic effects
        ing high-power red, green, blue and white LEDs. Trigger   adds a scattering of dancing lights into the mix. 16 SMD   not capable on other fixtures. It also has adjustable motor
        built-in automated and sound-activated programs in mas-  strobe LEDs add extra energy to the effect. DMX control   speed and rotation to ensure the light matches the envi-
        ter/slave or DMX mode. Fills the room with eye-catching   and automated/sound-activated programs onboard. Mas-  ronment and its digital display allows color and rotation
        effects as light shines through 43 lenses. Rugged metal   ter/slave multiple Kinta FX fixtures together for coordinat-  speed sontrol without the need of DMX.       MAP
        housing ideal for mobile gigs.   MAP  ed shows.                     MAP    KINTAHP ............................................ $213.32*   $159.99
        MKINTA .............................................. $159.99*  $119.99   KINTAFX ............................................ $239.99*   $179.99
        FX PAR 9                             SlimPAR Q12 BT                        SlimPAR T12 BT

        Compact effect par with multiple technologies in a single
        fixture. RGB+UV in outer ring for increased color mixing   A compact wash light with built-in Bluetooth  wireless tech-
        and effects. Separate control of center LED, outer ring and   nology that allows you to control the light from any smart   Remote light control is easy with its on-board Bluetooth
        SMD strobes for dynamic effects. Multiple zones allow for   phone or tablet. Features 12 quad-color (RGBA) LEDs that   wireless technology, giving you control right on your smart
        spectacular effects. SMD strobe ring adds strobe effects to   generate a broad spectrum of colors and achieve natural-  phone  or  tablet.  It  has  12  tri-color  (RGB)  LEDs  and  its
        any setup big or small. Generate eye-catching effects with   looking  color  temperatures.  Create  eye-catching  effects   compact design easily fits inside sticks of truss making it
        sound-activated and automated programs. Power linking   with sound-activated and automated programs.  perfect for truss warming.
        saves time setting up.         MAP                                  MAP                                  MAP
        FXPAR9   ...........................................$253.32*   $189.99   SPARQ12BT .....................................$293.32B  $219.99   SPART12BT ....................................... $226.65*  $169.99
        CHS25   Bag (not included)  ..................79.99*
        SWARM 5 FX                           EVE TF-20                             EVE F-50Z / EVE E-50Z

                                                                                   EVE F-50Z is an LED Fresnel fixture that shines a soft-
                                             Compact, energy efficient, soft edge LED accent luminaire   edged, warm white spot. Manual zoom gives you the flex-
        3-in-1 LED light that includes red and green lasers, white   that can function as a regular PAR can, while its classic   ibility to project from any distance.
        strobe effects and RGBAW rotating derby effects. Create   Fresnel style emulates stage & theatrical lighting. Thanks   EVE  E-50Z  is  an  ellipsoidal  that  shines  a  hard-edged,
        customized looks and effects with separate color and pro-  to  Constant  Current  Reduction  LED  dimming,  it  works   warm white spot. Manual zoom gives you the flexibility to
        gram control. Increase control options using built-in auto-  seamlessly with conventional dimmers, & is flicker-free in   project from any distance and its framing shutters let you
        mated and sound-activated programs, or master/slave and   filmed productions. MET certified, it is designed for mo-  easily alter and control the projected beam.
        DMX mode. Create a synchronized light show and save   bile and installation applications and it is equally suited for   Both feature D-Fi  USB compatibility for wireless master/
        time running cables and extension cords by power linking   new and retrofit installations via the included track adaptor.   slave or DMX control.         MAP
        multiple units.                MAP   Standard power cord for mobile use.           MAP   EVEF50Z ............................................ $733.32*   $549.99
        S5FX ................................................... $333.32*  $249.99   EVETF20 ............................................ $213.32*   $159.99   EVEE50Z .............................................. 879.99*   659.99
                                                     * = CALL FOR DEALER PRICE

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