Page 353 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 353

HUANG HARMONICAS                                     LEE OSKAR HARMONICAS

        DIATONIC, Single Reed                                   HARMONICAS                                       MAP
        INS102   Star Performer  ....................................................................................$27.20   1710   Major Tuning   $68.45  $43.99
        INS103   Silvertone Deluxe  ..................................................................................27.20   1710HM   Harmonic Minor Tuning    b  #  68.45  43.99
                       (C, C , D, E , E, F, F , G, A , A, B , B)        (A, A , B, B , C, D, D , E, E , F, F , G)   #
                                                                           (1710 available in low C, D, E, F, F  and high G also)
                       (Also available in Low Octave F & F )    1710NM   Natural Minor Tuning            $68.45  $43.99
        CHROMATIC, Solo Tuned                                   1710MM   Melody Maker (A, C, D, E, G)     68.45  43.99
        INS115C   Cadet Soloist  ....................................................................................$19.50B   REED PLATES
        One of each key, total 12 keys packaged in a deluxe carrying case.   1710RP   Major             $36.90B  $24.99
        INS102X   Star Performer 12-Key Pack ...........................................................$312.50B   1710NRP  Natural Minor    37.35B  24.99
        INS103X   Silvertone Deluxe 12-Key Pack.........................................................312.50B   1710HRP  Harmonic Minor (A,C,D,E,F,G)    37.00B  24.99
                                                                10CP    Cover Plate                     $10.40B
                CHICAGO BLUES HARMONICA                         10HH    Harmonica Holder                 38.65B
                                                                        Harmonica Pouch
        KHCB    C or G Key  ..........................................................................................$14.10
        KHCB32C   Pop Display, 32 Harps, Key of C ..........................................................370.60
        KHCB32G  Pop Display, 32 Harps, Key of G ..........................................................370.60
                  BLUES KING HARMONICAS


                                                                The HarpArm  is a magnetic harmonica holder that can be attached to all standard mi-
                                                                crophone stands and boom stands. Its innovative magnetic attachment system allows it to
                                                                work with all standard harmonicas. Telescopes to 16".
                                                                HA50   Ultimate .................................................................................$29.95    $24.95
                                                                HA51    EZ-Rack Pro ............................................................................59.95  49.95
                                                                HA52   Twist ........................................................................................23.95  19.95
                                                                HA53  HarpStrip ...................................................................................5.95  4.95
        BK520SET  12 Harps, 12 keys, with Case (Blues King)  .......................................$127.55   HA54  HarpFlight ................................................................................23.95  19.95

                                             HARMONICA MICROPHONES

        PEAVEY H-5  and H-5C  MICROPHONES
        Expressive, responsive omni-directional dynamic harmonic
        mic. Contoured housing w/ finger placement grooves. Cen-  HOHNER HARP BLASTER MICROPHONE  AUDIX HARMONICA MICROPHONES
        ter detent volume control. Includes detachable mini-XLR to   Modeled after the sound of the legendary vintage harp   Designed for diatonic & chromatic harmonicas & beatbox.
        ¼” mic cable. Carrying case included.   mics. A dynamic microphone featuring the Bourns poten-  Clear, accurate & capable of handling SPLs in excess of
        H-5  Black w/ Aluminum Grill      MAP  tiometer and the gold-plated XLR connector.  140 dB w/ out distortion. Ideally suited for both live stage &
        00597360  ........................................... $179.99*  $99.99   HHHB52  ...............................................................$220.00B  studio recording. Frequency response 50Hz - 16kHz.
        H-5C  Cherry Bomb Red w/ Black Grill                                      FIREBALL  ............................................................$183.00*
        00563080  ............................................. 179.99*    99.99  FBALLV  With Volume Control  ............................160.00*
                                                    * = CALL FOR DEALER PRICING
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