Page 456 - Harris-Teller 2024 - 2025 Merchandise Catalog
P. 456


        GUITAR/BASS TUNER                    CHROMATIC TUNER
        Ultra-compact design w/ large, high-visibilty note name and   A slim, compact body is ideal for brass, band or orchestra. A   ORCHESTRAL TUNER
        string name area. High-precision LCD needle-type meter   needle-style meter w/ large high-visibilty note name & string   A chromatic intended for the orchestra, featuring a dual
        for stable tuning. Quinta Flat Tuning mode lets you tune 1-5   name. Wide range of pitch detection covers A0-C8. Calibra-  display, an easy-to-see needle-type indicator for accurate
        semitones flat. Supports 7-String guitar tunings. Sound Out   tion function supports a variety of concert pitches. Sound   pitch indication and an LCD screen for excellent visibility.
        can produce a reference tone from the internal speaker.   Out mode emits a reference tone from internal speaker.   A  suede-tone soft case is included.
        KGA2  ..................................................................$26.99B   KCA2  Chromatic ..............................................$32.99B   KOT120  .............................................................. $139.99*

        Ultra large LCD screen provides excellent visibility. Tunes   Slim, compact body ideal for band or orchestra. Large LCD
        6 & 7-string guitars & 4, 5 & 6-string basses. Quinta flat tun-  screen provides excellent visibility. Calibration function is   SLEDGEHAMMER PRO CLIP-ON TUNER
        ing lets you tune down as much as five semitones. Built-in   provided.  Pure  major/minor  3rd  interval  indication  marks.   High-sensitivity chromatic headstock tuner w/ ultra-bright 3D
        reference tone, microphone, speaker & folding stand. Auto   Built-in reference tone, mic, speaker & folding stand. Auto   display. Ultra-precise tuning w/ an accuracy of +/-0.1 cents.
        Power off & memory back up, batteries included.   Power off & memory back up, batteries included.   3 meter display modes: Regular, Strobe & Half Strobe.
        KGA50  .................................................................$30.99B   KCA50 ...................................................................$34.99B   SHPRO    Guitar/Bass ........................................ $48.99*

        Features a large 3D visual meter. 3-dimensional lights and   The  MA-2's  improved  display  features  a  digital  needle   Stylish design that's reminiscent of a mechanical metro-
        versatile display modes deliver an unprecedented level of   that moves between left & right, a loud, crisp sound and is   nome • 8 metronome sounds, including a mechanical met-
        visibility, for easy tuning in any environment. The flat body   equipped w/ "timer mode" and "sound out mode" for daily   ronome sound. • Timer mode is convenient for practicing
        with rubberized exterior is compact and portable. Has a   practicing. Choose from two vivid and stylish colors.  the basics. • 19 beat patterns support songs of any genre.
        high-sensitivity mic is built-in.    KMA2BLBK  Metronome ...................................$32.99B   KDM3  ..................................................................$99.99B
        KGACS    Guitar, Bass, Orchestral & Acoustic ... $37.99*   Specify Blue & Black (BLBK), Red & Black (RDBK)  Black (BK), White (WH)

                                             Ultra compact & lightweight, straightforward design allows   RIMPITCH-C2 – ACOUSTIC GUITAR TUNER
        MINIPITCH TUNERS                     for faster, easier tuning. Bright, full-color LCD. Dedicated   Attaches to the inside of the guitar's sound hole. Piezo
        MiniPitch is a compact-sized tuner that is made for the   guitar/bass mode, w/ flat/capo settings also provided. Ultra-  pickup quickly and accurately detects the sound through
        ukulele.  LEDs indicate the peg that needs to be tuned -   high precision tuning w/ accuracy as great as+/-0.1 cents.  the vibration of the guitar itself. Highly visible and readable
        even a beginner can tune with confidence.  KAW4GBK  Black ............................................. $36.99*   LED display. Supports tuning in any scale or key. Intuitive
        KMP    Uke ...........................................................$20.99  KAW4Gxx   Metallic Colors (Please Specify) ....30.99B  design provides excellent functionality.
              Blue (BL), Orange (OR), White (WH)   Blue (MBL), Red (MRD), Silver (MSL)  KRPC2    Acoustic Guitar .................................. $33.99*

                                                     * = CALL FOR DEALER COST
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