Page 457 - Harris-Teller 2024 - 2025 Merchandise Catalog
P. 457



        Allows switching between true bypass & the newly devel-  19-inch 1U rackmount tuner for guitar/bass. Multi-colored
        oped Ultra Buffer. Meter LED offers bright mode settings   LEDs for excellent visibility w/ five LED color patterns: blue
        for high visibility. Choose from four types of display modes:   & red gradation, green & red gradation, cyan, green and   VOCAL PITCH TRAINER
        Regular, Strobe, Half Strobe and Mirror. Ultra-high tuning   blue.  Lightweight,  thin  &  removable;  not  limited  to  rack   With a vertical layout that's easy to operate when held in
        accuracy down to +/-0.1 cents. Features a built-in "just-  installation. Four meter display modes: Regular, Strobe,   the left hand, a five-line musical staff display to show the
        right tuning" display.               Half-Strobe and Focus. Ultra Buffer minimizes any change   notes for intuitive pitch checking, and a sound back function
        KPBX    Pitchblack X ................................... $139.99*  in audio quality. Features a built-in "just-right tuning" dis-  that outputs the reference tone closest to the input vocal,
        KPBXS   Pitchblack XS .................................. 139.99*   play. Cable Checker warns of broken or shorted cables.    this dedicated vocal lesson is packed w/ unique functions.
        KPBXMINI   Pitchblack X Mini ............................ 124.99B   KPBXPRO ........................................................... $292.99*   KVPT1 .....................................................................$76.99

                                                                                   POLYPHONIC OLED CLIP-ON TUNER
        OLED CLIP-ON TUNERS                  CLIP-ON TUNERS                        Cutting-edge  OLED  display  technology  provides  an  un-
        Cutting-edge  OLED  display  technology  provides  an  un-  Provides  a  stunning  battery  life  w/  approximately  100   precedented degree of visibility. Allows you to play all the
        precedented degree of visibility. Features an intuitive   hours of operation. Bright Color LCD for excellent visibility.   strings at once and know at first glance which strings are
        chord  finder  function.  Calibration,  auto  power-off,  and   The lightweight design features a triangular shuttle switch   out  of  tune.  Features  an  intuitive  chord  finder  function.
        memory backup functions. Ultra-high precision tuning with   that allows intuitive operation. In addition, the AW-LT100B   Calibration,  auto  power-off,  and  memory  backup  func-
        accuracy as great as +/- cents. Bass-specific AW-OTB has   features  enhanced  sensitivity  for  detecting  the  low-fre-  tions. Ultra-high precision tuning with accuracy as great as
                                                                                   +/- 0.1 cents. Bass-specific AW-OTB has been optimized
        been optimized to tune lower notes with more speed and   quency  range.  Calibration,  auto  power-off,  and  memory   to tune lower notes with more speed and accuracy and
        accuracy and includes a tempo finder function.  backup functions.          includes a tempo finder function.
        KAWOTG  Guitar ............................................... $64.99*   KAWLT100G  Guitar ..........................................$44.99B   KAWOTGP  Guitar .................................................$85.99
        KAWOTB  Bass ................................................... 64.99*  KAWLT100B  Bass ..............................................38.99B  KAWOTBP  Bass .....................................................85.99

                                                                                   TUNER ACCESSORIES

        KAWLT100M                   KAWLT100V

        These clip-type tuners achieve a battery life of approxi-  Pitchclip  2  is  a  compact,  clip-on  style  chromatic  tuner.
        mately 100 hours using a single AA battery & features a   Simple & easy-to-read LED display w/ reverse function that
        color  LCD  that  ensures  excellent  visibility.  KAWLT100M   vertically inverts the meter display. Clip w/ enhanced holding
        has a large clip that supports a variety of orchestral instru-  power & a rubberized grip.  CONTACT MICROPHONE
        ments, KAWLT100T is equipped w/ a small clip perfect for   Pitchclip 2+ uses approximately 2.5 times as many meter   Redesigned cable that's even more durable and resistant
        trumpet & trombone, and the KAWLT100V has a dedicated   LEDs, allowing for even more precise pitch adjustment.   to stress. Clip section allows stable attachment to a variety
        clip and mode for violin & viola.    The calibration function and the +/-0.1 cent high-precision   of instruments. Uses a piezo element that sends the vibra-
        KAWLT100M  Orchestral ...................................$48.99B   tuning have been greatly improved.  tions of your instrument directly to your tuner.
        KAWLT100T  Trumpet (or Trombone) .................48.99B  KORGPC2  Pitchclip 2 ..........................................$30.99  KCM300 ...............................................................$19.99B
        KAWLT100V  Violin (or Viola)..............................48.99B  KPC2+   Pitchclip 2+ ..........................................33.99   Black (BK), Black/Red (BKRD), White (WHBK)

                                                     * = CALL FOR DEALER COST
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