Page 462 - Harris-Teller 2024 - 2025 Merchandise Catalog
P. 462

CHORAL FOLDERS/OCTAVO                                         AIM MUSIC GIFTS
                    & SHEET MUSIC COVERS

                            Capacity for over 250 pages. Attractive vinyl stiff   AIM4600         AIM4602
                            board cover. Pockets provided on the front and
                            back inside covers for additional storage of music.
                            450R  Telleno ............................................. $9.15
                            9”x12” folder w/ 7 elastic cords secured to the 1”
                            spine holds sheet music. 2 generously-sized pock-
                            ets  holds  add’l  music.  Durable  plastic  band  on           AIM350
                            back side makes it easy to hold folder w/ one hand.
                            MFCH  Manhasset ..................................... $27.50  AIM8701           AIM39237

                            Fiber board covers with leatherette binding on all   STICKY PADS ....................$2.30B   MAGNETS ..............................$3.00
                MFCH        edges. Pockets are reinforced to prevent tearing.   AIM4600  Grand Piano  AIM1007   G Clef
                            Bottom pockets.                     AIM4602  8th Note           AIM1027   Violin
                            DR11  Black, 9”x12” ................................... $6.70
                            DR34  Black, 12”x14” ................................... 7.85  AIM4603  Quick Note   AIM1031   Saxophone
                                                                                            AIM1032   Trumpet
                            Deluxe covers with metal corners. Pockets have
                            expandable 1½” gussets. Bottom pockets.  WRITING TABLETS ..........$4.15B   AIM39237  Clarinet .................$5.60
                            DR30  Black, 9”x12” ................................. $19.50  AIM4403  “Key Notes”
                DR11        DR47  Metal Ring ......................................... 1.50  AIM4407  “Chopin Liszt”

                                                                                            BUTTONS  ..............................$1.70
                 G.I.A. CHORAL FILING BOXES                     COASTERS                    AIM350   I ♥ Music
                                                                AIM8606  Sheet Music Design ..$ .95

                      GIAB3                                     COOKIE CUTTERS ...........$4.45B   DOOR MAT .......................$39.95B
                                               GIAB9            AIM8701  1/8 Note           AIM5501   Keyboard
                                                                AIM8705  Guitar

                              GIAC3                    GIAC9

        Made of tough corrugated board with a smooth white finish, the boxes can be
        written upon to organize your library. Cut-outs permit easy removal of contents.   AIM2351
        All boxes are 11” long and 7½” high (except GIAB9).
        Width                  Box                  Cover       TOTE BAGS ........................$15.55
        1¼”             GIAB1 ............$2.45B   GIAC1 ...........$1.10B
        2”              GIAB2 ..............2.50B   GIAC2 .............1.50B  AIM2328  Entertainer
        3”              GIAB3 ..............2.80B   GIAC3 .............2.10B
        5”              GIAB5. .............3.90B   GIAC5 .............2.60B  AIM2350  Keyboard Rose
        12½”x 9” x 2½    GIAB9. .............4.00B   GIAC9 .............2.60B  AIM2351  Sheet Music ..........$21.55

                                                 HALBE STATUETTES

                                                                Made of the finest vinyl plastic.
                                                                Height 4½”, Base 2” ...................................................................................................$5.25B
                                                                BACH              HANDEL            RACHMANINOFF
                                                                BEETHOVEN         HAYDN             SCHUBERT
                                                                BRAHMS            LISZT             SCHUMANN
                                                                CHOPIN            MACDOWELL         STRAUSS, J.
                                                                DEBUSSY           MENDELSSOHN       TSCHAIKOWSKY
                                                                GRIEG             MOZART            WAGNER
                                                                Height 5” to 5½” .........................................................................................................$6.25B
                                                                BACH              LISZT             SCHUMANN
                                                                BEETHOVEN         MENDELSSOHN       TSCHAIKOWSKY
                                                                BRAHMS            MOZART            VERDI
                                                                CHOPIN            SCHUBERT          WAGNER
                                              PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
   457   458   459   460   461   462   463   464   465   466   467