Page 125 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 125

FENDER  PICKS                              FENDER  351 SHAPE PICK PACKS

                                                                   Confetti  White  Tortoise Shell Black Moto  White Moto  Purple Moto Green Moto
        346TS  Thin .......................$37.99B/72
        346MS  Medium ...................37.99B/72
        346HS  Heavy ......................37.99B/72
        12346TS  Thin ...........................6.99B/12    351    Abalone  Turquoise  Red Moto  Blue Moto  Checker  Rainbow  Zebra
        12346MS  Medium .....................6.99B/12   351T  Thin ...........................$49.99B/Gr
        12346HS  Heavy ........................6.99B/12   351M  Medium .......................49.99B/Gr    351 CELLULOID PICKS
                                                                                       Pack of 12
        WHITE                       351H  Heavy .........................49.99B/Gr  (Handy Resealable pack)
        346TW  Thin .......................$37.99B/72   Available in Black (BK), Confetti (C),
        346MW  Medium ...................37.99B/72   Tortoise Shell (S), White (W)   Please Specify Color
        346HW  Heavy ......................37.99B/72                           (i.e. 12351HPM = Heavy Purple Moto)
        12346TW  Thin ...........................6.99B/12      12351T   Thin .....................................................................................................$6.99B
        12346MW  Medium .....................6.99B/12          12351M   Medium .................................................................................................6.99B
        12346HW  Heavy ........................6.99B/12        12351H   Heavy ....................................................................................................6.99B
                                                                                     Colors Available:
                                                                Abalone (A), Black Moto (BM), Blue Moto (BLM), Checker (CH), Confetti, (C), Green Moto
                                    358 SHELL                   (GM), Ocean Turquoise (OT), Purple Moto (PM), Rainbow (R), Red Moto (RM), Tortoise
                                    358TS  Shell, Thin .................$24.99B/72   Shell (S), White (W), White Moto (WM), Zebra (Z)
                                    358MS  Shell, Medium .............24.99B/72
                                    358HS  Shell, Heavy ...............24.99B/72  MEDLEY PACK
                                    12358TS  Thin ...........................6.99B/12    12351TCM  Thin .....................................................................................................$6.99B
                                                                        Medium .................................................................................................6.99B
                                    12358MS  Medium .....................6.99B/12
        354 SHELL                   12358HS  Heavy ........................6.99B/12   12351HCM  Heavy ....................................................................................................6.99B
        12354TS  Thin .........................$6.99B/12       12351XHCM  Extra Heavy ..........................................................................................6.99B
        12354MS  Medium .....................6.99B/12           (Medley Pack includes 1 each of Abalone, Black, Black Moto, Blue Moto, Confetti, Green
        12354HS  Heavy ........................6.99B/12          Moto, Ocean Turquoise, Purple Moto, Red Moto, Tortoise Shell, White and White Moto)

        355 SHELL
        355TS  Thin .......................$37.99B/72   CELLULOID SHAPE MEDLEY - 8 Pack
        355MS  Medium ...................37.99B/72  Contains Tortoise Shell celluloid picks, one
        12355TS  Thin ...........................6.99B/12   in each of the following gauges: 346, 347,
        12355MS  Medium .....................6.99B/12   351, 354, 355, 358, 451 and 551.
        12355HS  Heavy ........................6.99B/12       FCPM   Shell, Thin ........................$6.99B
                                                                  351 WAVELENGTH  CELLULOID
                                                                       Picks Pack of 6        351 MATERIAL MEDLEY PICKS
                                                                      Please Specify Color           Pack of 6
                                                                  (i.e. WL351XHS = Extra Heavy Shell)
                                                               WL351T  Thin ..............................$6.99B  Medley Pack includes 1 each from various
                                                               WL351M  Medium ..........................6.99B  Fender materials: Celluloid, Tortuga, Nylon,
                                      FELT UKULELE PICKS Pack of 3  WL351H  Heavy .............................6.99B  Dura-Tone , along w/ a Wavelength  pick.
              346          351      Crafted from felt, this 3mm pick features a   WL351XH  Extra Heavy ...................6.99B  6351T  Thin ...................................$6.99B
                                    striking wood grain pattern and logo.  Colors Available:   6351M  Medium ...............................6.99B
                                    FUP   351 Shaped Felt Pick ..........$6.99B  Black (BK), Tortoise Shell (S), White (W)  6351H  Heavy ..................................6.99B

                     551                                                                   12N35146      12N35160
               TRUE SHELL PICKS
        Fender’s Tru-Shell picks replicate the highly
        desired, unique sound of the Hawksbill Sea
        Turtle shell without harming animals in any                                           12N35173   12N35188
        way.  Crafted  from  organic  natural  proteins
        making these picks ideal for acoustic guitar-
        ists. Color selection is random and colors
        will vary. Tru-Shell picks are not plastic. Do   346 DURA-TONE  DELRIN PICKS  351 DURA-TONE  DELRIN PICKS
        not attempt to flex; keep away from moisture.   Pack of 12        Pack of 12
        346 Shape                                                                          12N351100     12N351114
        TS346MTS  Medium ..........$7.99B ea.   Crafted from extruded Delrin, with a matte   Crafted from extruded Delrin, with a matte   351 NYLON PICKS Pack of 12
        TS346HTS  Heavy ..............7.99B ea.    finish for improved grip gauges. Delrin has   finish for improved grip gauges. Delrin has   Fender Nylon picks are made in the USA
        351 Shape                   a  stiffer  feel  than  celluloid,  which  gives  a   a  stiffer  feel  than  celluloid,  which  gives  a   out of a durable, high quality material with
                                    strong, well-defined attack to every stroke.
                                                               strong, well-defined attack to every stroke.
        TS351MTS  Medium ..........$7.99B ea.   Specify Gauge:          Specify Gauge:     a  non-slip  molded  tactile  griping  surface.
        TS351HTS  Heavy ..............7.99B ea.    .46 (Daphne Blue), .58 (Surf Green), .71   .46 (Daphne Blue), .58 (Surf Green), .71   Available in six different gauges to accom-
        551 Shape                    (Olympic White), .84 (Butterscotch Blonde),   (Olympic White), .84 (Butterscotch Blonde),   modate any playing style.
        TS551MTS  Medium ..........$7.99B ea.   .96 (Fiesta Red), 1.21 (Black)   .96 (Fiesta Red), 1.21 (Black)   Specify Gauge: .46, .60, .73, .88, 1.0, 1.14
        TS551HTS  Heavy ..............7.99B ea.    12DT346  .........................................$6.99B  12DT351  .........................................$6.99B  12N351 ............................................$6.99B
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