Page 126 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 126


                                                                                  DURALIN PICKS
                                                                                  Duralin (also known as Acetyl) is a unique material w/ an
                                                                                  extraordinary  combination  of  strength,  stiffness,  dimen-
                                                                                  sional stability, toughness, fatigue resistance, abrasion
        The 10 sketches on these picks were reproduced directly   From Love Me Do to Revolution, the Beatles were arguably   Standard Shape, Pack of 100  ............................... $44.40
        from Joe Satriani’s personal sketch books. JS picks are   the most creative, diverse and influential band in pop music   1DRD1100  Super Light - Red (.50mm)
        made  of  premium  celluloid  &  are  available  in  white  with   history. D’Addario honors The Beatles’ legacy with a unique   1DOR2100  Light - Orange (.60mm)
        black  printing  or  black  with  silver  printing.  Each  10-pack   collection of guitar picks, featuring iconic album covers and   1DYL3100  Light Medium - Yellow (.70mm)
        includes 1 each of 10 different pieces of JS art.   timeless images which capture the enduring spirit and es-  1DGN4100  Medium - Green (.85mm)
        1CBK210JS  10-Pack, Black, Thin ........................ $11.75   sence of the “Fab Four.”   1DBU5100  Medium Heavy - Blue (1.0mm)
        1CBK410JS  10-Pack, Black, Med .......................... 11.75  REVOLVER  1DPR6100  Heavy - Purple (1.2mm)
        1CBK610JS  10-Pack, Black, Heavy  ...................... 11.75   1CWH210B1  Thin, 10 pk ....................................... $11.85   1DBK7100  Extra Heavy - Black (1.5mm)
        1CWH210JS  10-Pack, White, Thin  ......................... 11.75   1CWH410B1  Medium, 10 pk  .................................. 11.85
        1CWH410JS  10-Pack, White, Med.......................... 11.75   1CWH610B1  Heavy, 10 pk ...................................... 11.85
        1CWH610JS  10-Pack, White, Heavy  ..................... 11.75   MEET THE BEATLES
        JSCD01   4-Pack JS Picks, Chrome Dome ....... 10.75   1CBK210B2  Thin, 10 pk  ...................................... $11.85
                                             1CBK410B2  Medium, 10 pk  .................................. 11.85
                                             1CBK610B2  Heavy, 10 pk  ..................................... 11.85
                                             CLASSIC ALBUMS                                      1XVP45
                                             1CWH210B3  Thin, 10 pk ....................................... $11.85   GUITAR PICK VARIETY PACKS
                                             1CWH410B3  Medium, 10 pk  .................................. 11.85   Featuring various materials and shapes: Celluloid, Nylflex,
                                             1CWH610B3  Heavy, 10 pk ...................................... 11.85  Nylpro, Cortex, Delrin, Black Ice, and Duragrip.
                                                                                  1XVP45   Medium, 7 pack .................................... $5.70
                                                                                  1XVP65   Heavy, 7 pack ......................................... 5.70
        Made from a custom Ultem blend, this pick features 3 dis-                           BLACK ICE PICKS
                                                                                            Features a custom jazz shape that is per-
        tinct  playing  surfaces:  a  standard  pointed  tip;  a  rounded                   fect for fast picking and playing where pre-
        smooth tip for a warmer tone; and a textured rounded tip for                        cise articulation is required. 10-Pack
        a harmonically edgier tone.          Sgt. PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND 50th Anniv.
        5 Pack   ..............................................$17.15  MAP  $10.99    1CWH210B6  Thin, 10 pk ....................................... $11.85   3DBK210  Light (.55mm) .................$7.05
                                             1CWH410B6  Medium, 10 pk  .................................. 11.85
        1UKU405  Bone,  Medium (.70mm)       1CWH610B3  Heavy, 10 pk ...................................... 11.85      3DBK410  Medium (.80mm) ..............7.05
                                                                                            3DBK610  Heavy (1.10mm) ..............7.05
        1UKU605  Grey,   Heavy (1.0mm)                                                      3DBK710  Extra Heavy (1.5mm) .......7.05
        1UKU705  Black,  Extra Heavy (1.25mm)
                                                                                  UKULELE FELT PICKS
                                             YELLOW SUBMARINE 50th ANNIVERSARY PICKS  1FLT904  4 Pack  .........................$11.85
                                                                                  1FLT925  25 Pack ..........................58.95
                                             1CWH210B7  Thin, 10 pk ....................................... $11.85
                                             1CWH410B7  Medium, 10 pk  .................................. 11.85
                                             1CWH610B7  Heavy, 10 pk ...................................... 11.85
          3AN7                         2AN7

                                                                                       NYLFLEX    NYLPRO  NYLPRO PLUS
                                                                                  NYLFLEX / NYLPRO / NYLPRO PLUS PICKS
                                                                                  The Nylflex is the first nylon pick to capture the flexible feel,
                        1AR7                                                      warm tone and the molded grip pattern of the original re-
          2AR7                         3AR7   BEATLES PICK TINS (Contains 15 Picks)  vered nylon picks of the '50s & '60s.
        ACRYLUX NITRA & RESO PICKS           1CAB415BT1  Logo ................................................. $14.85   10 Pack  ...................................................................... $5.90
        Acrylux is available in 2 blends: Reso (Pure Acrylic, Brighter   1CAB415BT2  Stripes ................................................ 14.85   25 Pack  ...................................................................... 12.95
        Tone, Transparent Red) & Nitra (Blended Acrylic & Nitrate,   1CAB415BT3  Sgt. Peppers ...................................... 14.85  100 Pack .................................................................... 45.20
        Warmer Tone, Black Pearl) and 3 shapes: Standard, Man-                                 Specify Gauge
        dolin & Jazz. Only available in 1.5mm.                                          (i.e. 1NFX410 = .75 Gauge, 10 Pack)
        3-Packs                                                                   1NFX2  .50mm        1NFX4   .75mm        1NFX6   1.00mm
        1AN703   Nitra Standard ....................................... $17.70    The Nylpro jazz-shaped nylon pick provides a warm tone
        2AN703   Nitra Mandolin ......................................... 19.55   while  the  sharp  tip  radius  allows  for  greater  articulation,
        3AN703   Nitra Jazz ................................................ 17.70  speed and control. Excellent grip and control.
        1AR703   Reso Standard ........................................ 17.70     3NPR710   10 pack - Extra Heavy (1.4mm) ............ $5.90
        2AR703   Reso Mandolin ........................................ 19.55     3NPR725   25 pack  - Extra Heavy (1.4mm) ........... 12.95
        3AR703   Reso Jazz ............................................... 17.70  CASEIN PICKS  3NPR7100  100 pack  - Extra Heavy (1.4mm) ......... 45.20
        25-Packs                             A synthetic material pick that gives players access to the
        1AN725   Nitra Standard ..................................... $106.15  texture and warm, balanced tone previously only found in   The Nylpro Plus is an injected molded nylon and fiberglass
        2AN725   Nitra Mandolin ....................................... 112.05  natural tortoiseshell picks.  jazz pick. By adding fiberglass to the pick, the Nylpro Plus
        3AN725   Nitra Jazz .............................................. 106.15  Standard 351 Shape  will provide a brighter tone & harder texture for extra control.
        1AR725   Reso Standard ...................................... 106.15  1CA701   2.0mm, Single Pack ........................... $39.65  3NPP710   10 pack  - Extra Heavy (1.4mm) ........... $5.90
        2AR725   Reso Mandolin ...................................... 112.05  Chris Thile Signature Mandolin Pick  3NPP725   25 pack  - Extra Heavy (1.4mm) ........... 12.95
        3AR725   Reso Jazz ............................................. 106.15  2CA701CT  1.4mm, Single Pack ............................. 45.30   3NPP7100  100 pack  - Extra Heavy (1.4mm) ......... 45.20

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