Page 130 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 130


                                             Adjustable support arms mean the stand can be used for
        Durable steel construction, push button adjustment.    electric or acoustic guitars. The non-marring plastic material
        KM1754BK  Black, Electric  ................................... $74.99   protects the guitar from damage.    KM17580  Heli 2 - Acoustic ...................................  $37.99
        KM17541B  Black, Acoustic  ................................... 74.99  KM17550  Memphis Travel  ................................... $79.99  KM17581  Heli 2 - Electric ........................................ 40.99


        This A-Frame  ukulele  stand  is  setup  and           Folding stand for all guitars, features a
        folded in a snap, thanks to the practical              patented  flexible  hooking-in  and  clamping
        folding mechanism, w/ instrument protect-              system; high quality non-marring rubber on   Guitar Performer Stand in black.
        ing rubber support surfaces.  KM17590  Electric  ...........................$29.99   neck; height adjustable.    KM14761  Acoustic ........................$434.99
        KM17595  Uke/Violin Stand .............$30.99   KM17591  Acoustic  ...........................29.99    KM17670  Memphis Pro ...................$79.99   KM14760  Electric ............................434.99
                                                   GUITAR STANDS


                                             A FRAME GUITAR STAND
        QUIK LOK                             Steel construction, easy-open design, fits acuostic/electric.
        AMSGS436   A Frame Electric  ........................... $25.00   SG095 ...................................................................... $28.20  PIG HOG
        AMSGS437   A Frame Acoustic  ........................... 28.00  High quality aluminum alloy w/ soft silicone rubber pads.  These tour-worthy stands feature extra fat padding, & all
        AMSGS438BK   Low "A" Frame Universal ................ 25.95  03025860   Peavey ....................................................25.99*   contact points are finished with non-reactive foam, hinged
        AMSQL692   Universal  ........................................ 42.00    *Call For Dealer Pricing  tripod design w/ rubber feet, heavy duty steel tubing.
                                                                                  PHGS   .............................................$39.95   MAP $19.95
                                                                                   Available In: Black (BK), Daphne Blue (DB), Red (RD),
                                                                                         Seafoam Green (SG), White (WT)


                                                                    SG303                        FEN1812
        QUICK LOK
        AMSGS430  Holds 3 Guitars  ............................... $132.45  MULTI-GUITAR RACK  FENDER
        AMSGS450  Holds 5 Guitars  ................................. 172.50  SG303   Holds 3 .................................................. $106.45   FEN1811  Electric Mini  ............................................ $34.99
        AMSGS471  Holds 7 Guitars .................................. 197.45  SG305   Holds 5  ................................................... 177.30    FEN1812  Acoustic Mini ............................................. 34.99
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