Page 133 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 133


        K Zildjian cymbals are known   The legendary “K Con” is the   The Kerope line draws from   K Custom cymbals are based
        for their dark, warm sounds that   pinnacle of the Zildjian cymbal   Zildjian’s rich history and   on the darker, dryer sounds of
        harken back to the original K   line, renowned for its perfectly   cymbal-making expertise to   the legendary K Line but have
        cymbals developed by Zildjian in   blended sound quality.  Complex   bring forth the most authentic   been customized with unique
        19th Century Turkey.  Instantly   hammering contributes to the   vintage K recreation to date and   finishes, tonal modifications and
        recognizable by their “vented   cymbal’s unique sonic identity   look as they sound - dark and   manufacturung techniques.  The
        K” Logo, K cymbals capture the   and dark tones that can be at   complex.  Named in honor of   combination of K hammering &
        aura of original Ks but with far   once cutting and smooth. Made   Kerope Zildjian, each cymbal is   a variety of modern hammering
        greater consistency, making   in small batches using a 14-step   meticulously hand-crafted and   techniques have made K Custom
        them the choice of drummers   process, every K Constantinople   represents the best of everything   on of Zildjian’s most popular
        from a variety of different genres   has its own signature voice.  we have learned in 390+ years of   lines & the choice of artists from
        such as Jazz, Country and Rock.                         cymbal making.              a wide variety of genres.

        Reminiscent of cymbals from
        the ‘30s through the ‘60’, yet   Recognized by their striking   Zildjian’s classic sound is   SPECIAL EFFECTS
        distinctly modern & relevant   brilliant finish, A Custom cymbals   embodied by A Zildjian and   Experiment with a variety of
        for today’s music, the A Avedis   feature unique tonal grooves and   immortalized in countless   effects and accents with this
        collection is a vintage recreation   lower profiles.  Together, these   recordings by the greatest   unique, innovative line of
        of the timeless sound and feel   attributes produce a smoother,   drummers of all time.  Known   cymbals from Zildjian. Add exotic
        heard and played on thousands   glassier and brighter sounding   for their versatility, these bright   colors & character to your sound
        of top hits throughout the 20th   cymbal with more give when   cymbals range from paper thin   with quick and bright stacks, big
        century.  Named in honor of   struck. It is these qualities   and delicate to extra heavy and   and trashy crashes and china
        Avedis Zildjian III, the father of   that have made the sound of   cutting, producing crashes, rides,   cymbals, and variety of distinct
        the modern American cymbal,   A Customs particularly sought   and hats that reflect today’s   accents and stackables.
        this collection is thin & loose,   after in the studio.  musical styles.
        with a played-in feel & immense
        musicality.  Each cymbal features
        a patina finish that reproduces
        the look of a decades-old cymbal.

        Taking its name from Ilham —   S cymbals a modern cymbal   Your journey of musical   The L80 Low Volume Series is a
        the Turkish word for inspiration   voice that redefines what a B12   expression starts with Planet   playing experience that delivers
        — the I Family is an inspiring   alloy (88% copper, 12% tin) can   Z - a newly redesigned line of   a quieter sound without losing
        line of cymbals in both name &   deliver.   This versatile collection   cymbals made for drummers   the authentic feel of a full-
        design. Crafted from B8 alloy   is bold, bright and dynamic; with   looking for bright, cuttin tones   volume cymbal. The L80 Low
        (92% copper, 8% tin), I Family   balanced frequency response,   with a more controlled and   Volume cymbal is up to 80%
        cymbals feature thinner weights   making it suitable for a variety   focused sound.  Like all Zildjian   quieter than a traditional cymbal
        that deliver washier and more   of musical styles.  Each model   cymbals, Planet Z is proudly   and is the perfect solution for
        emotive sounds as well as   features extensive hammering   crafted in the USA.      practice spaces, small drum
        alternative sound options like   and lathing, as well as a striking                 lesson rooms, low volume gigs or
        trash crashes and mastersound   brilliant finish that helps open                    anywhere you want to play hard,
        hihats.                     the sound, providing a bright and                       but not loud.
                                    shimmering tone.

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