Page 199 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 199

KICKPORT                      SOUNDOFF SILENCERS                          VIC FIRTH


                                             SO6      6” Tom Mute .......................................$10.00   VICMUTE08   8  ” .....................................................$10.00
                                             SO8      8” Tom Mute .........................................12.65  VICMUTE10   10” .....................................................11.00
                                             SO10     10” Tom Mute .......................................13.80   VICMUTE12   12” .....................................................12.00
                                             SO12     12” Tom Mute .......................................15.55
        It ports the kick drum in the same manner as a bass reflex   SO13   13” Tom Mute .......................................17.25   VICMUTE13   13” .....................................................13.00
        speaker cabinet which boosts low frequencies.   SO14   14” Tom Mute .......................................18.40   VICMUTE14   14” .....................................................14.00
        KP2BK  Black .......................................................... $65.99   SO16   16” Tom Mute .......................................23.00   VICMUTE16   16” .....................................................22.00
                                                                                  VICMUTE18B  18” Bass Drum ..................................44.00
                                                      Bass Mute 18” thru 26” ........................81.70
        KP2W  White ............................................................ 65.99  SOCYM   Cymbal Mute ........................................13.20   VICMUTE22B  22” Bass Drum ..................................47.00
        KP2R  Red Kickport ................................................ 65.99  S014HAT   14” Hi-Hat Mute ....................................23.75   VICMUTE18C  16”-18” Cymbal .................................13.00
        KP2C  Chrome Kickport .......................................... 76.99     SO20RIDE   20” Ride Mute ......................................34.00   VICMUTE22C  20”-22” Cymbal .................................13.00
                                             TOM/SNARE MUTE PACKS                 VICMUTEHH  Cymbal, HiHat ...................................19.00
                                             Standard Pack
                                             SO2346   1 ea: 12”, 13”, 14”, 16” .......................$56.70   PREPACKS
        Designed for the batter head, FX Series  produces a clear-  Fusion Pack   VFMUTEPP3  Prepack (w/ 12”, 13” 14”, 16”, 22”,
        er and more focused note that dramatically improves the   SO0244   1 ea: 10”, 12”, 2 ea: 14” .......................50.70         HiHat and Cymbal (2) ..................$92.00
        projection of the natural tone of your drum.   Rock Pack                  VFMUTEPP4  Prepack (w/ 10”, 12” 14” (2), 22”,
        Single Drum FX Ports                 SO0246   1 ea: 10”, 12”, 14”, 16” .........................52.00           HiHat and Cymbal (2) ....................92.00
        FX1SN  1” port for snare 12-15” .............................. $29.99   BOX SETS   VFMUTEPP5  Prepack (w/ 10”, 12” 14” (2), 20”,
        FX2FT  2” port for toms 16-20” ................................. 37.99   SOSETSTD  Standard Mute Pack, Ride, Cymbal          HiHat and Cymbal (2) ....................92.00

                                                          Hi-Hat & Bass Drum Mutes ..........$189.00
        FX2BD  2” port for bass drum 16”+ ........................... 39.99   SOSETFSN  Fusion Mute Pack, Ride, Cymbal   VFMUTEPP6  Prepack (w/ 10”, 12” 14”, 16”, 22”,
        DPW   White Impact Double Pads ......................... 7.99/2          Hi-Hat & Bass Drum Mutes ............183.25         HiHat and Cymbal (2) ....................92.00
        DPBK  Black Impact Double  Pads ......................... 7.99/2   SOSETROCK  Rock Mute Pack, Ride, Cymbal   VFMUTEPP7  Prepack (w/ 10”, 12” 14” (2), 18”,
        TRBK  Black T-Reinforcement Ring ....................... 6.99/1          Hi-Hat & Bass Drum Mutes ............181.15          HiHat and Cymbal (2) ....................92.00
                                         MID-EAST BAGPIPES/CHANTERS


                                                       MIDBAGM   MIDBAGLRCB   MIDBAGL   MIDBACQ  Practice Chanter Reed, Plastic  .......... $5.90B
                                                                                  MIDBATAF  Tenor Drone Reed, Aluminum ............. 10.90B
                                                                                  MIDBATQF  Tenor Drone Reed, Cane ...................... 6.90B
                                                                                  MIDBAPQ  Pipe Chanter Reed, Cane  .................... 9.90B
                                                                                  MIDBABAF  Bass Drone Reed, Aluminum .............. 10.90B
                                                                                  MIDBABQF  Bass Drone Reed, Cane ....................... 6.90B
                                                                                  MIDBASAF  Drone Reeds, Aluminum Body w/ Carbon
                                                                                             Fiber Tongues, 1-Bass/2-Tenor Set .......27.90B


                        MIDBAGERT                    MIDBAGLBC

                                             MIDBAGL   Practice Chanter, Rosewood ......... $33.90B
                                             MIDBAGLRCB Black Rosewood Practice
        MIDBAGCRT Full size Bagpipe, Sheesham,            Chanter w/ Black Mouthpiece  ..... 33.90B
                     Natural, Aluminum Mounts ........ $299.00B   MIDBAGLBC  Rosewood Practice Chanter Kit,
        MIDBAGDRT Black version of MIDC .................... 299.00B          Book and CD ............................... 51.90B
        MIDBAGERT  Full size, Rosewood, Engraved   MIDBAGM   Practice Chanter, Cocus,   BAGPIPES
                     Nickel Silver Mounts ................... 339.90B          Nickel Silver Engraved Sole......... 39.90B  W600   Child Size Bagpipe ..................................$91.95
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