Page 201 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 201


                         W4956                                              LP394
        MARACAS                                                MARACAS
        Authentic  wood  maracas  are  completely   MARACAS    LP281   .........................................$47.25
        hand painted & finished to a very high gloss.   Made  from  a  very  dark,  exotic  wood  from   LP281R  Refillable ............................47.25   MARACAS
        W4958  Medium, Colored  .............$25.95   Pakistan, these maracas are slightly heavier   LP389  Fiber  .................................63.00   HM300  Traditional Wood ..............$19.80
        W4959  Medium, Natural  ................25.95   and louder than their Mexican counterparts   M283  Plastic ................................39.35   TCFMM  Mini, Fiber - Black ................5.55
        W4956  Large, Colored ....................26.95   and produce a louder, more “cutting” sound.   CP287  7½ Medium Wood..............28.00  TCFML  Large, Fiber - Black .............8.20
        W4957  Large, Natural  ....................26.95   W4962  Medium ...........................$32.50   LP394  Macho Rawhide  .............. 110.25   V600   Vic Firth Synthetic ..............23.30

        LP’s new patent pending Twist Shaker is a twin set of shak-                                  LP442F
        ers that have a twisting lock mechanism which allows them
        to be played in one hand as a set or one in each hand.
        LP441TL  Loud Twist Shaker – Red  ......................$28.00             LP ONE SHOT SHAKERS - Anodized Metal
        LP441TM Medium Twist Shaker – Blue ....................28.00               LP442A  Small  ................................................ $47.25 pr.
        LP441TS  Soft Twist Shaker – Yellow  ......................28.00           LP442F  Finger Shot .........................................14.00 ea.
                                             LP DUOSHAKER

                                             LP441   Soft, Black w/ Rubber Bands ..................$23.65
                                             LP441M  Medium, Gray w/ Rubber Bands  .............23.65
                                             LP441L  Loud, Orange w/ Rubber Bands ...............23.65

        Plastic egg shaped shakers with handle.
        LPR011BD36  Box of 36 .......................................$126.00
        LPR010xx   1 Pair  (Specify Color)  ......................14.20
               Bubble Gum (BG), Blueberry (BL),
                  Cherry (CH), Grape (GP)    MINI MARACAS
        LP010GLO   Glow in Dark - 1 Pair ...........................9.80   BLPxx   (Specify Color) ....................................... $7.50 pr.   MARAQUITAS
        LP015    Hi-Hat Chickita ............................28.00/ea.   (14) Blue, (16) Black, (18) Green, (20) Purple   Shakers On a Stick
        SANTANA CHICKITAS                           (22) Orange, (24) Red, (26) Yellow  RT2240  Blue .................................................... $7.60/pr.
        LPR012xx   1 Pair  ..............................................$14.20
             Black (BK), Cherry (CH), Sunshine (SS)                                MARACAS
                                                                                   RT2300  Fiber, Foam Grip ............................... $23.20 pr.


                                             LP EGG SHAKERS
        EGG SHAKERS               9103       LPR001BD48  Bag, 48 ..........................................$141.75
                                                      Santana - BK, BL, GP - 1 Pair ...........12.60
        Unique, miniature egg shaped shakers.   LPR004xx   BG, BL, GP, SS - 1 Pair .....................12.60
        14024   24 Pack – Red, Yellow, Blue, Purple ....$51.95  Bubble Gum (BG), Black (BK), Blueberry (BL),
        14026   Jumbo Shakin' Eggs - 12 ct. Display ......38.95  Grape (GP), Yellow (SS)
                  (3 ea. Blue, Orange, Red, White)
        JBESx   Jumbo Shakin' Egg .............................2.95/ea.  LP0020xx   3” Large Egg (Specify Color) .......15.75 ea.   SKULL SHAKERS
             Blue (B), Orange (O), Red (R), White (W)   Black (BK), Red (RD)       Please specify  color:  Black  (BK), Blue (B), Bone (BO),
        OSC48M  Two Pack  ............................................... 11.50   LP004GLO   Glow in the Dark - 1 Pair ...................12.60  Orange (O), Purple (PU), Red (R), Glow in the Dark (GL)
                                                      Set of Three (Red, White & Blue) ......14.00

        DUNLOP MARACAS                                                             BBS  ..........................................................................$4.95
        9102   Gel Shakes (36) ..................................$143.00   LP SUGAR SKULL SHAKERS   BB12A   12 Assorted  ..........................................58.95
        9103   Black Shakes (36) .................................130.42  LP006xx   Specify Color .....................................$7.95  BB12G   12 Glow .................................................58.95
        9103TBK  Black Shakes (2 pack) ...............................7.83   Black (BK), Glow (GLO), Red (RD)  BB24A   24 Assorted  ........................................116.95
        9110   Gel Glo Shakes (36) Dunlop .................154.99  LP006PK12  12-pack (4 ea. Black, Glow & Red) ...92.99  BB24C   24 Glow ...............................................116.95
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