Page 202 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 202

RHYTHM TECH FRUIT SHAKERS                     LP GOJO BAG                      REMO FRUIT SHAKES

                                                                                   SCAPLG  Apple ..................................................$16.65
                                                                                   SCAVCD  Avocado ................................................16.65
        RT2052  Banana  ..................................................$13.85   SCBANA  Banana .................................................16.65
                                                                                          Lemon ...................................................16.65
        RT2054  Pineapple .................................................13.00   SCORNG  Orange  .................................................16.65
        RT2055  Avocado  ..................................................13.25   A basic, rhythmic pulse can be created by simply opening   SCPEAR  Pear ......................................................16.65
        RT2056  Pear  ........................................................12.80   and closing your hand around a Go-Jo bag.   SCPLUM  Plum......................................................16.65
        RT2057  Lemon  .....................................................12.40  LP359 ......................................................................$14.00   SCASRT07  Assortment..........................................119.20
               LP ROCK SHAKERS                    LP SESSION SHAKERS                  LP CONGA SHAKER TRIO

                                                                                   3 different fill options for a variety of dynamic levels. White
        The 9½" metallic shaker delivers a loud, vibrant sound and   PVC  bodies  with  molded  end-caps  for  a  solid  feel  and   shaker has the softest sound, great for studio applications.
        has a removable fill cap allowing player to adjust the fill   superb sound. Perfectly weighted for a controlled sound.   Blue shaker produces a multi-functional medium volume.
        level and fill type for a truly custom sound.   Features rubber-like grip surface.  Red shaker has the loudest and most coarse sound, great
        LP462  Gold  ......................................................$42.00  LP446S   5" .............................................................$21.00   for live performances. Filled with non-toxic steel shot.
        LP462B  Black ........................................................42.00   LP446L   9" ...............................................................28.00   LP017  Conga Shaker Trio, Set of 3  ......................$21.00
                  LP SHAKE-IT                       LP RHYTHM PACK                    LP MINI CAJON SHAKER

                                             The perfect  pack  for singers,  drummers  or any  instru-
                                             mentalist looking to add color to any song. Includes the   Made w/ select wood construction, the Mini Cajon Shaker
        Shake-It metal shaker is loud, durable and easily fits in   LP234A Afuche/Cabasa, the LP440 Shake-It Metal Shaker   a replica LP cajon with non-toxic shot to create a great, fun
        your hand. The harder you shake it, the louder the volume.  and the LP150 Cyclops Tambourine.  to play shaker.
        LP440  8" Length .................................................$31.50  LP150K   Rhythm Pack .....................................$135.25  LP448   2¾"H x 2"W x 2"D ..................................$14.20

           RHYTHM TECH SHAKERS                   RHYTHM TECH CRASHER                  RHYTHM TECH CABASAS

                                             THE CRASHER
                                             Loud, intense, and, best of all, unique: The Crasher deliv-
        RT2015  5” Studio Shaker  ....................................$18.20   ers a bright, tight metallic sound that’s unavailable in any   RT8000
        RT2019  9” Studio Shaker  ......................................25.10   other percussion accessory. Perfect for all types of music
        RT2030  Live Shaker Red .......................................25.50   and great as a recording sound effect.  CABASA
        RT2040  Live Shaker Blue  ......................................24.40   RTRC11  11" .........................................................$50.90  RT8000  Cabasa  ................................................$37.20
        RT2035  Cocktail .....................................................26.20  RTRC15  15" ...........................................................50.90  RT8002   Piccolo Cabasa ......................................28.75
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