Page 274 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 274
ATHM20X .............................................................. $49.00* ATHM30X .............................................................. $69.00* ATHM40X .............................................................. $99.00*
Closed back dynamic, 40mm diameter driver. Neodymium Closed back dynamic, 40mm diameter driver. Neodymium Closed back dynamic, 40mm diameter driver. Neodymium
magnet & copper-clad aluminum wire voice coils. De- magnet & copper-clad aluminum wire voice coils. De- magnet & copper-clad aluminum wire voice coils. For pro-
signed for studio tracking and mixing. Cable: 9.8’ straight, signed to excel for studio tracking, mixing and field record- fessional studio tracking and mixing, as well as DJ moni-
left-side exit. Included: 1/4” snap on adapter, no pouch. ing. Cable: 9.8’ straight, left-side exit. Included: protective toring. Includes two interchangeable cables: detachable
carrying pouch, 1/4” screw on adapter. 3.9’ - 9.8’ coiled cable and detachable 9.8’ straight cable.
Included: protective carrying pouch, 1/4” screw on adapter.
ATHM50X ............................................................ $149.00* ATHM50XBT2 ..................................................... $199.00* ATHM60X ............................................................ $199.00*
Closed back dynamic, 45mm diameter driver. Neodymium Utilizing Bluetooth wireless technology and 45mm large- Low-profile, closed back dynamic, 45mm diameter driver.
magnet & copper-clad aluminum wire voice coils. For Aperture drivers, w/ rare-earth magnets and copper-clad Neodymium magnet & copper-clad aluminum wire voice
professional studio tracking and mixing, as well as DJ aluminum wire voice coils. Wireless listening , with excep- coils. Exceptional clarity throughout an extended frequen-
monitoring. Includes interchangeable cables: detachable tional clarity & deep, accurate bass response. Includes a cy range w/ accurate bass response. Premium, memory
3.9’ - 9.8’ coiled cable, detachable 9.8’ straight cable and detachable 3.9’ cable, gold-plated stereo mini-plug, pro- foam earpads and headband. Ideal for studio, broadcast
a detachable 3.9' straight cable. Included: protective carry- tective carrying pouch, and 1' USB charging cable. and mobile applications. Detachable 3.9’ - 9.8’ coiled
ing pouch, 1/4” screw on adapter. cable, detachable 9.8’ straight cable and a detachable 3.9'
straight cable. Included: protective carrying pouch, 1/4”
screw on adapter.
“Resellers of Audio-Technica products who sell online must be approved by Audio-Technica, U.S., Inc. prior to authoriza-
tion. Application may be obtained by contacting Upon approval, Audio-Technica will contact Harris-
Teller. At present, Audio-Technica is not authorizing sales of their products by new accounts on the Amazon Marketplace.”
ATHM70X ............................................................ $299.00*
Closed back dynamic, 45mm diameter driver, rare earth
magnets & copper-clad aluminum wire voice coils. Extend-
ed response accurately reproduces extreme low & high
frequencies while maintaining perfect balance. Profession-
al-grade earpads and headband. Perfect for professional SH1000 Single hook, Fits ½” Tubing ....................$12.99 HEADPHONE AND GUITAR STRAP HOLDER
studio tracking and mixing, mastering and audio forensics. The SwirlyHook is built to fit on roughly half-inch tubing. Lightweight and handy for stage, studio and home. Can
Detachable 3.9’ - 9.8’ coiled cable, detachable 9.8’ straight Try it on mic stands, drum hardware, etc. The SwirlyHook firmly take headphones under 4.4 lbs and keep audio
cable & a detachable 3.9' straight cable. Included: protec- will hold headphones, tambourines, cables! Made in the cables untangled and organized.
tive carrying pouch, 1/4” screw on adapter. USA of coiled spring steel and PVC. HA700 .....................................................................$20.19
* = All Audio-Technica Pricing is MAP Price, Call for Dealer Cost