Page 275 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 275
With an over-the-head design and contemporary styling, The KPH7 on ear headphone is equipped with dynamic el- With a dynamic element that delivers premium sound at all
the lightweight on-ear headphones offer great sound for ements for an extended frequency response. It features an volume levels, this headset is ideal for anyone who crave
listeners on the go. Frequency Response: 80-20,000 Hz. over the head design with contemporary style. Perfect for deep, sound bass. Equipped with a noise-cancelling mi-
Pneumalite earcushions. Adjustable headband. Volume use with portable MP3 players or iPods. Maximum porta- crophone that eliminates excessive background noise for
Control. bility with a lightweight design. 4 foot cord and 3.5mm plug. greater ease of use.
KPH25K ...............................................................$16.50B KPH7 ....................................................................... $6.80* SB40 With Mic ................................................ $39.99*
With enhanced bass and full frequency response. Great
volume, even with low-voltage portable devices. Ear cush-
The UR10 on-ear headphones are a portable model that Leatherette ear cushions form seal around ears to en- ions seal comfortably around ears, improving bass perfor-
offers maximum sound quality in a comfortable lightweight hance bass frequencies. Headband accommodates all mance & blocking outside noise while preventing sound
design. Frequency Response: 60-20,000 Hz. Pneumalite head shapes and sizes for maximum comfort. Includes leakage. Ear cups collapse down into a compact fit for
earcushions for improved bass. Pivoting earpads and ear- straight, dual-entry 8' cord w/ 3.5mm (⅛") plug. Folds into easy storage & travel. Includes gold-flashed 3.5mm (⅛")
plates for maximum comfort. compact configuration, convenient for storage & portability. plug & gold-flashed 6.3mm (¼") adapter.
UR10 Closed Back ........................................... $10.65* UR18 ..................................................................... $19.99* UR29 ..................................................................... $34.99*
Ideal choice for audience-interactive DJs or school music Simple, compact headphones that let you enjoy profes- Portable headphones for detail and clarity. Lightweight
labs. Crafted w/ high-impact materials and an ultra flexible sional-grade sound quality. Dynamic, closed back. 3.5mm foam ear cushions that provide the utmost in comfort. 20
headband. 20Hz - 20,000kHz Frequency Response. (1/8”) stereo, 6.5mm (1.4”) stereo, 35 ohms. Hz - 20,000kHz Frequency Response.
YCM500 Headset w/ Built-In Microphone ........$80.00B YHPH50B .............................................................$40.80B YRH1C .................................................................$22.25B