Page 277 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 277

                                     HEARING PROTECTION ACCESSORIES

        The ultimate in earplug comfort, Mack’s
        silicone  putty  molds  to  the  unique  con-  Blocks  out  20dB,  allowing  the  user  to   HEAROS EAR FILTERS
        tours of any ear. Carrying case included.   preserve their hearing while still enjoying   Comfortable hearing protection. Great add-ons for parents of beginning music students.
        MACK5   2 pr. ............................ $3.49*  music.   One size fits all. Easy insertion and removal.
                                    MACK967  7 pr. ............................ $5.99*  H5414   Ultimate Softness, 6 Pair, (NRR 32) .........................................................$3.15
                                                                H2525   Ultimate Softness, 20 Pair of H5414 (NRR 32) ........................................10.50
                                                                H5225   Ultimate Softness, 28 Pair of H5414 (NRR 32) ........................................11.35
                                                                H211   High Fidelity, Original, 1 pair ..................................................................15.60B
                                                                HEAR311   High Fidelity, Small, 1 pair .....................................................................15.60B
                                                                H5826   Extreme Hearos, 14 pair (NRR 33) .............................................................5.70
                                                                H309   Rock Hearos, keychain case ......................................................................5.70
                                                                H5210   Super Hearos, keychain case .....................................................................5.70
                                                                HEAROS ULTIMATE SOFTNESS SERIES
                                                                50 pairs, in countertop display.
                                                                H50405  ......................................................................................................................$45.00

        Unique open-air membrane filter ensures   ULTRA SOFT FOAM EAR PLUGS
        natural sound and comfort while reducing   These  ear  plugs  are  molded  with  super
        harmful  noise.  With  a  convenient  travel   low-pressure, skinned and tapered foam,
        case and Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)   with a high noise reduction rating (NRR) of
        of 12dB.                    32dB. Aluminum carrying case included.
        MACK16  1 pr. .......................... $17.99*  MACK927  7 pr. ............................ $6.99*
                                                                VIC FIRTH/ZILDJIAN EAR PLUGS
                                                                VFEPL   Vic Firth Large  .................................................................................. $23.00 pr.
                                                                VFEPR   Vic Firth Regular .................................................................................. 23.00 pr.
                                                                ZXEP0012  Zildjian Hi-Fi Ear Plugs - Standard Fit ................................................. 26.00 pr.

        Convenient neck cord for  hanging ear-  100 PAIR TUB
        plugs  around  neck  in  situations  where   Individually-wrapped,  single  pairs;  great
        noise starts and stops. Storage case in-  for concerts, nightclubs, festivals or  any   FENDER EAR PLUGS
        cluded.                     loud events.                0541   Concert Series Foam Ear Plugs (4 pair)  ...............................................$9.99B
        MACK961  1 pr. ............................ $3.49*   MACK196 .................................... $94.00*   0542   Musician Series Black Ear Plugs (1 pair) .................................................9.99B
                                       NOISE GUARDS             SCGEP   Thin Ribbed Rubber - 2 pair in a Plastic Carry Case ..............................$15.35

                                    NOISE FILTERS               D’ADDARIO DISPOSABLE EAR PLUGS
        EXTREME COMFORT             Reduces discomfort and noise hang-over.   PWEP1   Foam Ear Plugs .................................................................................. $2.85 pr.
        Simple insertion, even in narrower audi-  Protects your hearing. Lets you hear ALL   PWEP100  100 Pairs PWEP1 ...................................................................................220.90
        tory canals. Concerts, jam sessions, night-  THE MUSIC. Comfortable, easy to carry   VATER
        clubs, shop work, etc.      and use.                    Includes 2 filter styles for different levels of hearing protection, w/ case.
        MACK963  3 pr. ............................ $3.49*  400710   Sonic II  ...................... $12.30B   VATVSAS  Safe & Sound .................................................................................... $37.85 pr.
                            * = Call For Dealer Cost
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