Page 295 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 295


        CONQUEST                    PRO CO                     HOSA
        Transformer isolated direct boxes. Connect   Connects instrument to mixing console for   DIB443  Passive  ............................$43.25
        any electronic instrument directly to the   PA or recording.
        mixing console for PA or recording.   PDB1 ..............................................$216.40   ON-STAGE
        EDB2  Passive ..............................$91.80   CB1 ..................................................111.55  ART  DB200  Mini DI Box - Active .........$101.99
                                                                                           DB500  Passive ................................65.99
               LR BAGGS                       ART
                                                                                               MXR A/B BOX

                                                               PASSIVE DIRECT BOX
                                                      XDIRECT  Allows connection of a music source to an
                                                               instrument  amplifier  while  simultaneously
                                    DIRECT BOXES               patching it to a mixer. It automatically bal-
                                    High quality interface that lets you to con-  ances & matches the line level output.
                                    nect instrument, line, or speaker level sig-  PDB ...............................................$55.99B
                                    nals to a mixer or any balanced input. Ex-  DUAL PASSIVE DIRECT BOX
        Class A FET input stage, a phantom pow-  tremely wide, flat frequency response and   Features  2  high-quality  direct  boxes  in  1   MXR A/B Box allows you to route your in-
        erable XLR, a 5-band EQ with two tunable   can  handle  high  input  signal  levels  while   portable enclosure. It is a rock solid, road-  strument’s signal to two separated outputs,
        bands and phase reversal.   still maintaining an isolated, balanced low   worthy DI for connection of the outputs of   with  a  Thru  jack  for  use  with  a  tuner,  an
        PARADI .......................................$289.35B   impedance output.  electronic  musical  instruments to the bal-  amplifier, or any device meant to receivea
        Full isolation DI/floor box   XDIRECT  Active ..........................$65.99B   anced inputs of mixer consoles.   constant signal.
        VDI ...............................................$399.00B   ZDIRECT  Passive .........................45.99B  DPDB ..............................................75.99B  MXRM196 ................$85.70B  MAP $59.99

                                                 MORLEY A/B BOXES

                                    ABC PRO SELECTOR           ABY SELECTOR/COMBINER
                                    Route one input to three outputs. Choose   Route 1 input into 2 outputs or 2 inputs to
        ABC SELECTOR/COMBINER       A, B or C or in any combo. New features   1 output. Choose A, B or A & B combined.  ABY MIXER/COMBINER
        Route one input to three outputs or three in-  include a higher enclosure for easy access,   ABY ................................................$159.05  Route  any  2  inputs  to  any  2  outputs  and
        puts to one output. Then select or combine   a custom built Morley transformer, silent   ABYPRO ..........................................387.85  match their respective  levels precisely.
        as needed. True Bypass.     switching, reverse polarity switch, etc.   (ABY PRO also has the same new features   'True-Tone' Bypass.
        ABC ................................................$178.60  ABCPRO ........................................$544.05  as the ABC PRO)  ABYMIX ..........................................$159.05
                                           MORLEY AUDIO SOLUTIONS

        HUM ELIMINATOR                       LINE LEVEL SHIFTER   ®
        2 channel hum eliminator with ¼” Smart Jacks and XLR   Converts  signal  voltage  back  &  forth  between  -10dBu  &   HUM EXTERMINATOR
        jacks. Converts back and forth between balnced & unbal-  +4dBV  and  balanced  &  unbalanced  connector  types.  ¼”   Exterminates ground loop hum at the source! Filters ground
        anced cable types.                   Smart Jacks and XLR jacks. Eliminates ground loop too.   line of hum while simultaneously maintaining proper ground.
        MHE    (2 Channel) ............................................$178.60  LLS2   (2 Channel)................................................$200.90  MHUMX ...................................................................$142.30
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