Page 298 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 298


        RARE EARTH                                              TRIPLEPLAY

                                 FT103                                                    FTTRP401
                                                   FTREP104                                         FTTRPFC1
        Rare Earth pickups offer a warmer, more natural acoustic tone. Features include active
        electronics powered by miniature batteries (included) that mount on the underside of the   FTTRP302
        pickup, a pre-wired output jack that can also be endpin-mounted and a volume control
        wheel. Fits soundholes as small as 3⅝”.                 TriplePlay is a revolutionary, high-performance MIDI guitar controller and software that
        FT101    Coil Soundhole Pickup ..................................................................... $247.99*   seamlessly  connects  to  any  device  that  accepts  USB  MIDI.  You  can  connect  to  vast
        FT102    Humbucker Soundhole Pickup ........................................................... 309.99*   instruments, synthesizers and plugins previously only accessible to keyboards.
        The Rare Earth Mic Blend features a flexible cardioid mic and mic/pickup blend control,   FTTRP302  TriplePlay Wireless MIDI Guitar Controller ...................................... $619.99*
        bass extension/roll-off switch. Fits soundholes as small as 3⅝”.  FTTRP401  TriplePlay Connect  MIDI Guitar Controller ....................................... 387.99*
        FT103    Mic Blend Humbucker Soundhole Pickup .......................................... 465.99*   FTTRPFC1  TriplePlay FC-1 Foot Controller ......................................................... 325.99*
        POWERTAP  EARTH                                         ELLIPSE PICKUP & PREAMP SYSTEMS
        The PowerTap  Earth combines the superior performance and warm, transparent sound
        of the Rare Earth Humbucker w/ a totally new soundboard body sensor, resultin in new
        performance dynamics of Touch, Ambience & Percussion. Fits soundholes as small as 3⅝”
        FTREP104  Humbucker Soundhole Pickup ........................................................... 464.99*
                                                                                               ELLIPSE MATRIX BLEND
        NEO-D                                                           ELLIPSE AURA
                                                                The Ellipse Aura allows acoustic musicians to replicate the sound of their instrument, as
                                                                mic’d in a professional studio, and can load up to 4 Aura Images in the soundhole-mounted
                                                                preamp. The Ellipse Matrix Blend combines the Acoustic Matrix w/ the Ellipse Blend and
                                                                includes a flexible gooseneck condenser mic, volume, blend and phase controls.
                                                                FTMATELA  Ellipse Aura, Wide  /8” width ............................................................. $557.99*
          FTNEOD01          FTNEOFB2           FTNEOD04         FTMANELA  Ellipse Aura, Narrow  /32” width .......................................................... 557.99*
                                                                FTMATEL2  Ellipse Matrix Blend, Wide  /8” width .................................................. 464.99*
        Passive w/ a low-profile, high-impedence design. Neodymium magnet structure for string   FTMANEL2  Ellipse Matrix Blend, Narrow  /32” width .............................................. 464.99*
        balance and clarity, fits soundholes as small as 3⅞”. Buster model includes an integrated
        feedback buster for high-volume playing.
        FTNEOD01  Single Coil Soundhole Pickup .............................................................. 77.99*   AG SERIES PASSIVE UNDERSADDLE PICKUPS
        FTNEOD02  Humbucker Soundhole Pickup ........................................................... 138.99*
        FTNEOD04  Single Coil Soundhole Pickup, Woodgrain ........................................... 92.99*  FTAG094   6-String -  /32”,  2.125” Spacing ...................... $170.99*
        FTNEOFB2   Neo-Buster Humbucker Soundhole Pickup & Feedback Buster ........ 154.99*  FTAG125   6-String -  /8” , 2.125” Spacing .......................... 170.99*
                                                                            FTAGX94   Classical or 12-String -  /32”, 2.312” Spacing .... 170.99*
        MATRIX INFINITY VT                                                  FTAGX312  Classical or 12-String - /8”, 2.312” Spacing ...... 170.99*
                                                                            FTAG0UKE  Ukulele –  /32”  & 1.67”Spacing ......................... 170.99*
                                                                SBT SOUNDBOARD TRANSDUCER SERIES
                      FTMIW               FTMIWMBV
        The Matrix Infinity VT Pickup & Preamp System has clear, transparent tone & dynamic   FTSBTE  Pick-up Accoustic – w/ End Pin Jack ...$154.99*
        string response. A sealed enclosure for the soundhole-mounted volume & tone control
        module allows for quick adjustments, w/ a LED low battery indicator, voice switching & an   FTSBTH  Pick-up Concert Harp-Piano ..................154.99*
        endpin-mounted preamp.                                                    FTSBTC  Pick-up Classical GTR ..........................154.99*
        FTMIW   Wide Format,  /8” width ..................................................................... $278.99*
        FTMIN   Narrow Format,  /32” width .................................................................. 278.99*
        FTMANNPU  Replacement Undersaddle Pickup Only for Narrow,  /32” width .......... 109.99*
        FTMAK   Ukulele Format  –  /32” width & Max String Spacing of 1.85” .............. 278.99*   ARCH TOP GUITAR / MANDOLIN / BANJO / RESOPHONIC
        The  Matrix  Infinity  Mic  Blend  adds  a  multi-position,  soundboard-mounted  cardioid
        condenser mic, w/ a sealed enclosure for soundhole-mounted volume & tone controls.
        FTMIWMBV  Wide Format,  /8” width ..................................................................... $464.99*   FTBAN
        FTMINMBV  Narrow Format,  /32” width .................................................................. 464.99*
        FTMAKMBV  Ukulele Format  –  /32” width, Max String Spacing of 1.85” ................ 464.99*
        POWERTAP  INFINITY                                              FTM200                             FTRESBIS
                                                                CLASSIC SERIES
                                                                FTATGT   Arch Top Guitar .............................................................................. $356.99*
                                                                FTM100   Mandolin Pickup .............................................................................. 278.99*
                                                                FTM200   Mandolin Pickup .............................................................................. 325.99*
                                                                FTBAN    Banjo Pickup .................................................................................... 356.99*
                                                                FTRES001   Resophonic, Passive ....................................................................... 247.99*
        The PowerTap Infinity Pickup System combines the superior performance and tone of the   FTRES002   Resophonic, Active .......................................................................... 279.99*
        Matrix Infinity pickup with a totally new soundboard body sensor, adding new performance
        dynamics of Touch, Ambience & Percussion. A sealed enclosure for the soundhole-mounted   NASHVILLE SERIES
        volume & tone controls allows for quick adjustments, w/ a LED low battery indicator.  FTM300MA   Mandolin, Arch Top .......................................................................... 371.99*
        FTMATPT1  Wide Format,  /8” width ..................................................................... $464.99*   FTM400MA   Mandolin, Flat Top ............................................................................ 387.99*
        FTMANPT1  Narrow Format,  /32” width .................................................................. 464.99*  FTRESBIS   Resophonic, Biscuit-Style ................................................................ 309.99*
        FTMALPT1  Split Format  –  /32” width .................................................................... 542.99*   FTRESSPI   Resophonic, Spider Style................................................................. 341.99*
                                                      * = CALL FOR DEALER COST
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