Page 300 - Harris-Teller 2022 Merchandise Catalog
P. 300


        PLATINUM                             PRESYS+ SYSTEM
        The  all-analog  Platimun  Pro  EQ  and  Platinum  Stage   The  compact  sophisticated  Presys+  system  features
        universal instrument preamp deliver incredibly accurate   Volume, Bass, Mid, Treble and Brilliance controls, a Phase   PREFIX PRO ONBOARD PREAMP
        sonic  detail,  uses  precision,  high-speed  circuitry  for  the   switch, Notch filter and a built-in tuner w/ LED display. Also   Designed  for  slim-bodies  acoustic-electrics,  the  2”  x  3”
        highest fidelity and low distortion.  includes a pre-wired Fishman Sonicore pickup for solder-  (50mm  x  76mm)  bezel  occupies  1/3  less  space  than
        FTPLT201   Platinum Pro EQ  ............................$496.99*   free, plug and play installation.   standard Prefix models.
        FTPLT301   Platinum Stage ..................................263.99*   FTPPS  ..................................................................$325.99*  FTP01W    Wide ................................................$554.99*

                                             AURA SPECTRUM DI
        TONEDEQ                              Features award-winning technology that enables players to   JERRY DOUGLAS AURA IMAGING PEDAL
        The  ToneDEQ Preamp EQ is a complete performance   mix studio-mic’d sound w/ the signal from their undersaddle   The “JD” Signature pedal comes preloaded with 16 custom
        solution  for  the  acoustic  musician,  with  a  high-quality   or soundhole pickup, a 3-band EQ, one-knob compressor,   Aura  Images  created  by  Jerry  Douglas,  specifically  for
        preamp, dual effects section, tone controls, a compressor,   auto feedback suppression w/ up to 3 notches, a chromatic   resophonic  guitars.    Get  the  true,  unique  voice  of  your
        level booster and a balanced D.I.    tuner, effects loop, a high-quality balanced XLR D.I.  resophonic instrument, on stage or in the studio.
        FTDEQAFX  Tone DEQ PreAmp EQ .....................511.99*   FTAURSPC ...........................................................$620.99*  FTAIPJD1 ..............................................................$620.99*


        Furnished w/ Barcus-Berry’s exclusive Fas-Jac  ¼” strap
        button mono jack or ¼” external mount output jack. Both   “INSIDER” PIEZO TRANSDUCER w/ FAS-JAC
        models are easy to install and provide high sound levels   Easily mounted to the inside of any acoustic instrument.   “OUTSIDER” PIEZO TRANSDUCER
        & no feedback. DISQIS is ideal for: banjo, classical/steel-  Fully shielded against hum and retains the natural sound   Mounts on top of the guitar adjacent to the bridge. For
        stringed guitar, dobro, drum trigger, dulcimer, guitarron,   of the instrument free of color or added tone. Furnished   use with virtually any flat top or arch top guitar. Installation
        lute, mandolin, oud, sitar, steel drum, viola & violin.   with Fas-Jac  ¼” strap button mono jack. Ideal for: acoustic   requires no tools nor alternation to the instrument. Ideal for
        DISQIS  For Internal Mount ................................... $89.25   guitar & classical guitar.   any wooden instrument.
        DISQOS  For External Mount .................................... 90.25  14553...................................................................... $112.75  1457XL  2’ Cable ................................................. $113.45

        Built right into the bridge, achieving wide-  CELLO PIEZO TRANSDUCER
        band frequency response, balanced string   Clamp-style pickup can be easily attached
        sensitivity,  feedback  rejection  &  signal   to or removed  from  any  standard-type   PIANO & HARP PLANAR WAVE SYSTEM   PIEZO BUFFER PREAMP WITH EQ
        isolation, w/ 3100P output jack.   bridge. Equally responsive to delicate high   ROHS  Compliant.  Includes  ¼”  monitor   Specifically  designed  to  work  with  all

        1320................................................$184.40  tones and deep lows. Delivers a full musical   output, balanced, XLR main out w/ ground   Barcus-Berry piezo   crystal  systems.
                                                               lift & output pad switch (0db/12db). Piezo
                                                                                           Features external bass, treble and volume
        CLAMP-ON BRIDGE VIOLIN PIEZO P/U   range of cellos.    crystal  (4000PI),  4000  piezo  preamp,   frequency  controls  to  allow  for  a  wide
                                    3125M  Transducer Only .............$110.40
        Clamps easily to the violin bridge and                 adhesive patches (134850), 4 rubber feet.   range of adjustment. Includes a belt clip for
        connects via cable, to the included 3100P   BASS PIEZO TRANSDUCER   4000BRB System ............................$537.10   unrestricted movement. Works with models
        output jack.                Same as above but for bass.   4000PI  Piezo Crystal P/U & Cable .199.05  3110, B3150 and 3125.
        3100BRB ........................................$169.70  B3150M  Transducer Only .............$114.40  134850   Adhesives Patches, 48 pk ..16.55  3000A  .............................................$269.00
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