Page 338 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 338
250k MONO VOLUME PEDAL (for Passive Electronics) MVP PEDAL
500k STEREO VOLUME/PAN PEDAL Features a super smooth foot sweep for precise volume The Ernie Ball Most Valuable Pedal provides a super
Features a 500k potentiometer suitable for the audio path control and is perfectly voiced for passive audio signals. A smooth foot sweep, ideal for precise volume control w/ no
of passive or active instruments. Two distinct operating micro taper switch provides 2 distinct volume swell rates. high-frequency loss at any volume. Works w/ both active
modes (volume or pan) and can be used in stereo or mono EB6166 ....................................$215.99B MAP $119.99 & passive electronics & is equipped w/ a minimum volume
applications. Mono 250K Replacement Potentiometer for EB6166 knob as well as a powerful gain boost, in a compact size.
EB6165 ....................................$269.99B MAP $199.99 EB6161 ........................................ $27.50 MAP $19.99 EB6182 ....................................$212.99B MAP $154.99
VOLUME PEDAL Jr. 25k (for Active Electronics) VOLUME PEDAL Jr. 250k (for Passive Electronics) String and spring replacement kits.
Compact rugged design and is perfectly voiced for active Features a super smooth foot sweep for precise volume
signals. Tough, long lasting Vectran cable transmits pedal control and is perfectly voiced for passive audio signals. For Full Size Pedals (fits EB6165 & EB6166)
travel to the 25k potentiometer and is attacched by a stain- A micro taper switch provides two distinct volume swell EB6157 ......................................................................$4.40
less steel spring. rates. Size is reduced by 22% conpared to the original. For VP Jr. Size Pedals (fits EB6180, EB681 & EB6182)
EB6181 ....................................$148.99B MAP $99.99 EB6180 ....................................$148.99B MAP $99.99 EB6172 ........................................................................4.40
Features the legendary RAT filter control. Turn it to the Uses the highly acclaimed '85 Whitefact Reissue RAT Most intense pedal in the RAT family. Features the leg-
right to roll off brittle high-end frequencies. If you're having as the platform, with added bass enhancement circuit, endary RAT filter control. Boasting more than twice the
trouble cutting through the mix, turn it to the left and allow a brand new switchable clipping section and a whole lot maximum output of the original RAT, The Turbo RAT is
the natural brightness of your instrument to shine through. more. hard-clipping while the mid-range frequencies are slightly
RAT2 ..................................................................$126.60B FATRAT ..............................................................$265.70B scooped. A palette of distortion unequaled by any other
LILRAT .................................................................128.65B pedal.
TRAT ..................................................................$239.10B
Most classic sounding of all RAT distortion pedals. Think The SOLO marks a departure from the RAT series of ped- The ultimate Swiss army knife for the analog guitarist.
'60s garage rock or early punk. The key to You Dirty RAT als in more ways than one. With its enormous range of Consisting of 2 independent RAT units, each Deucetone
tone is in its germanium clipping diodes. Perfect middle tones, 3-way selectable "hot, melt & burn" modes, and channel can be used separately, in stereo, or cascaded
ground between distortion & fuzz, combining the character- highly interactive "scoop" and "tone" controls, the SOLO together for the most insane distortion on earth!
istic cutting RAT tone w/ the warmth of a classic fuzz-tone. just might be the most versatile pedal in your arsenal! DTRAT ................................................................$425.00B
YDRAT ...............................................................$239.10B SOLORAT ..........................................................$302.80B RPS1 AC Adaptor .........................................45.15B