Page 343 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 343


                                            APPLIED RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY

                                    DIRECT BOXES                                               UTILITIES

        PASSIVE DIRECT BOX                                                         DUAL TRANSFORMER/ISOLATOR
        Allows connection of a music source to an instrument am-  AV DIRECT        High quality passive audio interface that uses a pair of high
        plifier while simultaneously patching it to a mixer. It auto-  Has stereo RCA, ⅛” & ¼” TRS line level inputs, as well as   performance transformers to totally separate input and out-
        matically balances and matches the line level output.   a ¼” & bare wire pressure clip speaker level inputs, trans-  put signal grounds, therby isolating two systems and reduc-
        PDB ......................................................................$55.99B   former isolated XLR microphone level output a switchable   ing hum & ground-loop noise. The audio transformers have
                                             4.8Hz high cut filter, ground lift & variable level control.   an extremely flat & wide frequency response & can handle
                                             AVDIBOX   Audio/Video Direct Box ...................$99.99B  high signal levels while an isolated balanced output.
                                                                                   DTI ........................................................................$89.00B

                                             DUAL RE-AMPING DIRECT BOX             CLEANBOX PRO
        DUAL PASSIVE DIRECT BOX              The Dual RDB is the ideal interface solution for any ap-  Dual Channel Level Converter
        Features  two  high-quality  direct  boxes  in  one  portable   plication where stereo or dual line signals from recording   One  part  converts  2  channels  of  consumer-level  unbal-
        enclosure. It is a rock solid, roadworthy DI for connection   interfaces, computers, mixers, iPods, consumer audio or   anced input signals into 2 channels of pro line-level bal-
        of the outputs of electronic musical instruments (or other   video machines need to be connected to XLR mic or ¼”   anced out signals. The other part converts 2 channels of
        audio sources) to the balanced inputs of mixer consoles.   instrument level outputs.   line-level balanced signals into 2 channels of consumer
        DPDB ...................................................................$75.99B  DUALRDB .......................................................... $119.99B  unbalanced output signals.
                                                                                   CBPRO ...............................................................$109.99B
                                                                                             A/B-Y BOXES

                                             XDIRECT  ACTIVE DIRECT BOX
        DUAL ACTIVE DIRECT BOX               High  quality  interface  that  lets  you  connect  instrument,
        Acts as two independent, high quality active interfaces for   line, or speaker level signals to any balanced input. Ex-  COOLSWITCH – A/B-Y SWITCH
        connecting instrument, line or speaker level signals to bal-  tremely  wide,  flat  frequency  response  can  handle  high   The CoolSWITCH delivers full A/B-Y switching, plus par-
        anced inputsDelevers an extremely flat & wide frequency   input signal levels while still maintaining an isolated, bal-  allel common in/out jacks. It lets you switch a common
        response even at high input levels, making it a virtually   anced low impedance output.   source signal (guitar, bass or keyboard) between 2 ampli-
        acoustically transparent DI solution.   XDIRECT  .............................................................$75.99B  fiers or amp channels. It also allows you to switch 2 source
        DADB .................................................................$104.99B  DXDIRECT     Dual XDirect  ..................................89.99B  signals (like two different guitars) into the same amplifier.
                                                                                   COOLSWITCH .....................................................$79.99B

                                             ZDIRECT  PASSIVE DIRECT BOX
        BLUETOOTH DIRECT BOX w/ ISOLATED OUTPUTS   High  quality  interface  that  lets  you  connect  instrument,
        The BTDI is designed to provide a reliable Bluetooth in-  line, or speaker level signals to any balanced input. Ex-  COOLSWITCH PRO – ISOLATED A/B-Y SWITCH
        terface from computers, phones & legacy Bluetooth de-  tremely  wide,  flat  frequency  response  can  handle  high   A handy foot-operated box that lets you switch an instru-
        vices to any installation. Features a Bluetooth 5.0 receiver,   input signal levels while still maintaining an isolated, bal-  ment signal (guitar, bass or keyboard) to either of two am-
        external atenna for long-range operation, transformer iso-  anced low impedance output.   plifiers or amp channels, A or B. The “Y” function sends the
        lated XLR outputs, etc.              ZDIRECT  .............................................................$49.99B  signal to both the A & B outputs in parallel.
        BTDI ...................................................................$189.99B  DZDIRECT     Dual ZDirect  ..................................65.99B  CSPRO ...............................................................$109.99B
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