Page 342 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 342


                                            APPLIED RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY

               POWER SOLUTIONS                                              PRE AMPS

                                             TUBE PREAMPLIFIER SYSTEM
                                             Designed as the ideal preamp for any application, the tube
                                             driven TPS II  adds warmth & texture to any audio source.
                                             Two-channel high performance preamp uses a hand se-
                                             lected 12AX7A tube in the low noise input circuitry. This,   TUBE MP PRE AMP
                       SP4X4                 coupled with ART’s proprietary V3  (Variable Valve Voic-  External tube microphone preamp. The hybrid design of
        POWER DISTRIBUTION                   ing) and variable input impedance allows the TPS II  to   the Tube  MP  allows  it  to  add  warmth  and  fatness  to  a

                                             deliver incredible performance from cost effective single
                                                                                   signal while maintaining exceptionally low-noise and high
        ART  4x4  Series  Power  Distribution  Systems  feature  a   space rackmount solutions.   quality. While it’s primary application is as a microphone
        unique “4x4” AC jack layout on the back of the unit where   TPSII .................................................................... $349.99*   preamp, the TubeMP is an exceptional direct box – imped-
        four of the eight rear outputs are set 1.25 inches apart,   * = CALL FOR DEALER COST  ance matching, amplifying and improving the sound of any
        allowing the user to plug in wide power cables and multiple                instrument plugged into it.
        wall wart devices.                                                         TUBEMP ............................................................$129.99B
        PB4x4 – Power Distribution System
        Power Capacity of 1800 Watts • Surge & Spike Protection
        • 8 Rear Outlets with Power Adapter Friendly Positioning.
        SP4x4 – Metered PDS
        Power Capacity of 1800 Watts • Surge & Spike Protection
        • 8 Rear Outlets with Power Adapter Friendly Positioning •
        Pull Out Light Pipes and Dimmer.
        PB4X4 ................................................................ $119.99B
        SP4X4 ..................................................................169.00B
                                             DJ PRE II – PHONO PREAMP
                                             The DJ PRE II is a high quality phono preamp designed for   TUBE MP STUDIOV3  PRE AMP
                                             your home and studio. It acts as an interface between your   Offers superior performance and a sound quality any ‘on-
                                             turntable and your audio recording system. The analog in-  board’ preamps found in today’s low-cost mixers and audio
        SP4x4 PRO USB – LED Metered PDS      put capacitance can be switched between 100pf and 200pf   interface units aren’t capable of delivering. Built with all of
        Power Capacity of 1800 Watts • Surge & Spike Protection •   to optimize phono cartridge response. A switchable low cut   the professional input features required in recording or live
        Advanced Power Filtering (APF ) w/ EMI & RFI filtering) •   filter removes rumble while leaving the audio pristine.   sound applications, it uses a hand-selected 12AX7A tube
        Soacing & alignment of the rear outlets to accomodate vari-  DJPRE2 ................................................................$79.00B   in the signal path for maximum tone and gain.
        ous size power plugs & AC Adapters • Front-mounted un-                     TUBEMPSTV3 ...................................................$169.99B
        switched power outlet & an adjustable rear-mounted goose-
        neck light source for bright illumination behind the rack.
        SP4X4PROUSB .................................................$329.99B

                                             USB DUAL PRE
                                             Full-featured  high  quality  dual  portable  preamplifier  and
        The ART PDS8u is a premium power distribution package   computer interface. It is designed to work over a wide va-  TUBE MP PROJECT SERIES
        for stage or studio. It has 8 AC outlets with opposing orien-  riety of applications from remote field recording to desktop   The ultra low noise discrete microphone preamp front end
        tation ensuring easy access for AC Cables. Two AC outlets   studio tracking. Each of the two low noise input channels   has an extremely flat and wide frequency response and
        are spaced for large size ‘wall wart’ adaptors. 1.0 and 2.0   has up to 48 dB of clean gain with signal present and clip   can easily handle a wide range of input signal levels with
        Amp USB ports are included for powering tablets, phones   LED indicators. Inputs can be either XLR balanced or ¼”   a minimum of coloration. The fully adjustable input gain
        and other accessories.               TRS. Each of the ¼” TRS outputs is buffered low imped-  allows as little ‘tube warmth’ or as much ‘tube drive’ as
        PDS8U ................................................................$159.99B  ance balanced. Flexible 3-way power from USB. External   required for any audio source.
                                             supply, or 9 volt battery. Includes USB cable – everything.   TUBEMPPS ........................................................$179.99B
                                             USBDPPS ..........................................................$125.99B   TUBEMPUSB  With USB-Type B .........................199.99B
                                                                     DYNAMIC PROCESSORS

        The  Phantom  II  Pro  provides  phantom  power  for  one   Has a unique design that will enhance the sonic textures   STEREO COMPRESSOR/LIMITER/GATE EXPANDER
        or  two  condenser  microphones.  It  has  a  3-way  12V/  of your audio systems. The heart of the Dual Limiter is a   A highly sophisticated and flexible dual channel dynamics
        OFF/48V selector switch which lets you choose 48V for   unique PWM gain control circuit. Two channels of dynam-  processor. This unit can be adjusted to provide anything
        microphones  rated  at  24  to  48V,  12V  for  lower-voltage
        microphones or “OFF” to conserve battery life. Low-noise   ics processing, XLR balanced inputs & outputs, ¼” TRS   from smooth subtle compression to hard limiting. Noise
        operation is featured in all modes and can be used with an   active  balanced  inputs  &  outputs,  variable  attack  &  re-  reduction is provided by a fast solid gate or a subtle ex-
        optional AC adapter.                 lease, hardwire bypass and more.      pander; selectable auto/manual Attack & Release.
        PHANTOMII .......................................................$129.99B   DL .......................................................................$265.99B   SCL2 ..................................................................$249.99B

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