Page 341 - Harris-Teller 2024 Updated Merchandise Catalog
P. 341
The D10-PFP is a sturdy, rack-mountable power distribu-
tor featuring 10 rear panel outlets with circuit breaker. A
PL8C convenient way to power a rack full of equipment up to a
15 amp load. All steel construction with a heavy-duty 6 foot
M8LX (14 AWG) three-conductor cord.
D10PFP ................................................................$96.70B
Filters noise from radio frequencies and electromagnetic
PLPRODMC interference • Standard level of surge suppression • 8 rear
panel outlets & 1 front panel convenience outlet • Sturdy
one rack space design • 15 Amp capacity w/ circuit breaker.
Linear Filtering Technology (LiFT) • Series Multi-Stage M8X2 ..................................................................$134.95B
Protection (SMP) • Extreme Voltage Shutdown (EVS) • M8LX w/ Pull-Out Lights ...................................219.95B
Zero ground contamination circuitry assures the delivery of M8DX w/ Pull-Out Lights & LED Voltmeter .......269.95B 15A 8-OUTLET SURGE SUPPRESSOR STRIP
pure AC • 8 rear panel outlets & 1 front panel convenience Features Furman's SMP circuit which incorporates Linear
outlet • Pull-Out LED rack lights provide illumination Filtering Technology (LiFT) and a high current TVZ-MOV
for front of rack • Rear BNC lamp connector for optional to insure that any electronic device (including televisions,
goose-neck light to illuminate rear of rack. MERIT SERIES projectors, CD-DVD players, or computers) is fed clean, fil-
15 Amp/1800 watt rating, with circuit breaker POWER CONDITIONER tered AC power. This dramatically reduces noise, ensuring
peak performance from your equipment. Another feature
PL8C ................................................................... $369.95* w/ SEQUENCER is the automatic extreme-voltage shutdown. 8 ft. captive
PLPLUSC w/ Voltmeter ................................... 439.95* power cord wth 36˚ NEMA 15 plug.
20 Amp/2400 watt rating, w/ Circuit Breaker PST8 8-Outlet Surge Suppresssor ...............$234.95B
PLPRODMC w/ Voltmeter ................................$799.95B
Adapter Cord PRO PLUGS
Use 20 Amp products in 15 Amp applications, includes
circuit breaker. The perfect low-cost AC power solution for any rack mount
system where power sequencing is desired. 6 sequenced
rear panel outlets (in 3 groups), 2 unswitched rear panel
ADP1520B .......................... $44.95* outlets, and 1 front panel unswitched outlet. Momentary
& maintained sequencing via rear panel termination block
or front panel switch (momentary only). 15-Amp rating w/
circuit breaker.
SMARTSEQUENCING M8S ....................................................................$489.95B
A 6-outlet steel power block with standard level surge pro-
tection, EMI/RFI filtration, heavy duty steel construction
Providing robust control options, the CN-2400S (20 Amp) and a 15 ft. power cord.
supports RS-232 communication with command sets for SS6 Vertical 6-Outlet Strip ............................$80.57B
integration with control systems. An optional RS-232-to- SS6B 6-Outlet Block .........................................80.57B
Ethernet adaptor (sold separately) adds full IP-address- Provides 9 regulated, conditioned AC outlets – 8 on the
ability to the unit, allowing it to be controlled, programmed, rear panel and 1 on the front. Input capacity is 15 A; output
and monitored from a smartphone, tablet, PC, remote capacity is 12 to 15 A. Extreme Voltage Shutdown (EVS) PLUGLOCK STRIP
power and energy management platform. indicator LED. Extreme Current Shutdown (ECS) indicator
CN2400S ............................................................$869.95B LED. Tri-color “In-Regulation” indicator. 8 element, Bi-color
bar graph meter to indicate input line voltage. User acces-
POWER SEQUENCER sible thermal circuit breaker protects against overload.
Low noise toroidal autotransformer with very low stray
magnetic field leakage.
M8XAR ...............................................................$949.95B
PRESTIGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR Has outlets spaced widely enough for five bulky transform-
er “wall warts”. Has clamps to securely lock wall warts into
place. Can lock regular plugs as well as wall warts.
PLUGLOCK .........................................................$69.95B
The ASD-120 2.0 has (6) 20-Amp, 120 volt circuits, each 15-Amp voltage regulator delivers a stable 120V of AC EXTENSION CORD
w/ a status indicator • Four buss design accommodates power to protect equipment from problems caused by AC
120V or 240V single phase, or 208V three phase power line voltage irregularities such as sags, brownouts or over-
• 6 widely spaced duplex outlets on rear panel which can voltages. Additionally, The P-1800 AR is a full-featured
be powered up and down in sequence • 3-position switch power conditioner that filters & purifies AC power, reducing
allows each circuit to be part of the power sequencing, or line noise & ensuring optimum performance. Equipment
to be switched on/off independently • Sequence timing can perform better w/ Furman's Linear Filtering Technology
be initiated from unit or remotely, using low voltage control (LiFT), & will also be fully protected by Series Multi-Stage
wires • Front panel key switch for security . Protection (SMP) & Extreme Voltage Shutdown (EVS).
ASD120 ............................................................$1994.95B P1800AR ..........................................................$1869.95B ACX25 25’ (14 AWG) w/ 3 female outlet sockets ...$63.95B